Saturday, August 31, 2019

Motivation Theory Essay

1. What motivates behavior? According to humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow, our actions are motivated in order to achieve certain needs. This hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs. This hierarchy is most often displayed as a pyramid. The lowest levels of the pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, while the more complex needs are located at the top of the pyramid. Needs at the bottom of the pyramid are basic physical requirements including the need for food, water, sleep, and warmth. Once these lower-level needs have been met, people can move on to the next level of needs, which are for safety and security. As people progress up the pyramid, needs become increasingly psychological and social. Soon, the need for love, friendship, and intimacy become important. Further up the pyramid, the need for personal esteem and feelings of accomplishment take priority. 2. Clayton P. Alderfer’s ERG theory from 1969 condenses Maslow’s five human needs into three categories: Existence, Relatedness and Growth. Existence Needs Include all material and physiological desires (e.g., food, water, air, clothing, safety, physical love and affection). Maslow’s first two levels. Relatedness Needs Encompass social and external esteem; relationships with significant others like family, friends, co-workers and employers . This also means to be recognized and feel secure as part of a group or family. Maslow’s third and fourth levels. Growth Needs Internal esteem and self actualization; these impel a person to make creative or productive effects on himself and the environment (e.g., to progress toward one’s ideal self). Maslow’s fourth and fifth levels. This includes desires to be creative and productive, and to complete meaningful tasks. Even though the priority of these needs differ from person to person, Alberger’s ERG theory prioritises in terms of the categories’ concreteness. Existence needs are the most concrete, and easiest to verify. Relatedness needs are less concrete than existence needs, which depend on a relationship between two or more people. Finally, growth needs are the least concrete in that their specific objectives depend on the uniqueness of each person. Contrarily to the idea by Maslow that access to the higher levels of his pyramid required satisfaction in the lower level needs, the ERG areas of Alderfer are simultaneous needs. ERG Theory recognizes that the importance of the three categories may vary for each individual. Managers must recognize that an employee has multiple needs, which must be satisfied simultaneously. According to the ERG theory, if you focus exclusively on one need at a time, this will not effectively motivate. 3. The expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be motivated if they have certain expectations. This theory is about choice, it explains the processes that an individual undergoes to make choices. In organizational behavior study, expectancy theory is a motivation theory first proposed by Victor Vroom of the Yale School of Management in 1964. Motivation, according to Vroom. boils down to the decision of how much effort to apply in a specific task situation. This choice is based on a two-stage sequence of expectations (effort —> performance and performance —> outcome). First, motivation is affected by an individual’s expectation that a certain level of effort will produce the intended performance goal. For example, if you do not believe increasing the amount of time you spend studying will significantly raise your grade on an exam, you probably wilt not study any harder than usual. Motivation also is influenced by the employeeâ €™s perceived chances of getting various outcomes as a result of accomplishing his or her performance goal. Finally, individuals are motivated to the extent that they value the outcomes received. EXPECTANCY THEORY BELIEFS 1. Valence. Refers to the emotional orientations which people hold with respect to outcomes [rewards]. The depth of the want of an employee for extrinsic [money, promotion, free time, benefits] or intrinsic [satisfaction] rewards. Management must discover what employees appreciate. 2. Expectancy. Employees have different expectations and levels of confidence about what they are capable of doing. Management must discover what resources, training, or supervision the employees need. Facts [+] The 2011 Nielsen survey also showed that the top five dimensions students considered when it comes to seeking employment were high degree of independence at work, salary package, learning on the job, growth prospects and standing of the company in the market [Employer brand] respectively. 3. Instrumentality. The perception of employees whether they will actually receive what they desire, even if it has been promised by a manager. Management must ensure that promises of rewards are fulfilled and that employees are aware of that. Vroom suggests that an employee’s beliefs about Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence interact psychologically. In this way they create a motivational force, such that the employee will act in a way that brings pleasure and avoids pain. This force can be ‘calculated’ via a formula: 4. Adam’s Equity Theory Equity theory, most popularly known as equity theory of motivation, was first developed by John Stacey Adams, a workplace and behavioral psychologist, in 1963. John Stacey Adams proposed that an employee’s motivation is affected by whether the employee believes that their employment benefits/rewards are at least equal to the amount of the effort that they put into their work. Definition of equity An individual will consider that he is treated fairly if he perceives the ratio of his inputs to his outcomes to be equivalent to those around him. Thus, all else being equal, it would be acceptable for a more senior colleague to receive higher compensation, since the value of his experience (and input) is higher. The way people base their experience with satisfaction for their job is to make comparisons with themselves to people they work with. If an employee notices that another person is getting more recognition and rewards for their contributions, even when both have done the same amount and quality of work, it would persuade the employee to be dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction would result in the employee feeling under-appreciated and perhaps worthless. This is in direct contrast with the idea of equity theory, the idea is to have the rewards (outcomes) be directly related with the quality and quantity of the employees contributions (inputs). If both employees were perhaps rewarded the same, it would help the workforce realize that the organization is fair, observant, and appreciative. This can be illustrated by the following equation: Adam’s categorised employment benefits and rewards as outputs and an employee’s work effort as inputs. Input Examples The number of hours worked by the employee An employee’s work responsibilities An employee’s work duties The work commitment demonstrated by the employee An employee’s loyalty An employee’s flexibility such as undertaking tasks at short notice The support that the employee has provided to the organisation, colleagues and line managers Output Examples Salary Bonus Prizes Recognition of the employee’s contribution Positive work appraisals Work promotions Pension Employer flexibility Annual leave Adam’s stated that if an employee believes that their work outputs are not equal or greater than their inputs then the employee will become de-motivated. Adams’ theory includes the assertion that when an employee is assessing whether the outputs they receive are fair the employee will often compare their colleague’s work inputs and outputs with their own. The comparison will often be made with an employee at a similar level in the organisation to the employee. Propositions Equity theory consists of four propositions: Individuals seek to maximize their outcomes (where outcomes are defined as rewards minus costs). Groups can maximize collective rewards by developing accepted systems for equitably apportioning rewards and costs among members. Systems of equity will evolve within groups, and members will attempt to induce other members to accept and adhere to these systems. The only way groups can induce members to equitably behave is by making it more profitable to behave equitably than inequitably. Thus, groups will generally reward members who treat others equitably and generally punish (increase the cost for) members who treat others inequitably. When individuals find themselves participating in inequitable relationships, they become distressed. The more inequitable the relationship, the more distress individuals feel. According to equity theory, both the person who gets â€Å"too much† and the person who gets â€Å"too little† feel distressed. The person who gets too much may feel guilt or shame. The person who gets too little may feel angry or humiliated. Individuals who perceive that they are in an inequitable relationship attempt to eliminate their distress by restoring equity. The greater the inequity, the more distress people feel and the more they try to restore equity. (Walster, Traupmann and Walster, 1978) 5. Acquired Needs Theory: McClelland McClelland proposes that those in top management positions should have a high need for power and a low need for affiliation. Psychologist David McClelland created Need Theory, a motivational model that attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect the actions of people from a managerial context. McClelland’s Need Theory, created by psychologist David McClelland, is a motivational model that attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect the actions of people from a managerial context. People who are achievement-motivated typically prefer to master a task or situation. This motivational need stems from a person’s desire to influence, teach, or encourage others. is a motivational model that attempts to explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect the actions of people from a managerial context. It is often taught in classes concerning management or organizational behavior (Figure 1). People who are achievement-motivated typically prefer to master a task or situation. They prefer working on tasks of moderate difficulty, in which the results are based on their effort rather than on luck, and to receive feedback on their work. Those who desire affiliation, however, prefer to spend time creating and maintaining social relationships, enjoy being a part of groups and have a desire to feel loved and accepted. People in this group may not make effective managers because they may worry too much about how others will feel about them. In his theory, people are not placed into categories but rather have degrees of these needs: No one is only in ‘one group†™ of these needs. The balance of needs brings out a profile. Needs do not explain competencies in any area. One can have high needs in one area and still be effective in an area where these needs are not necessarily fulfilled. This motivational need stems from a person’s desire to influence, teach, or encourage others. People in this category enjoy work and place a high value on discipline. The downside to this motivational type is that group goals can become zero-sum in nature. For one person to win, another must lose. However, this can be positively applied to help accomplish group goals and to help others in the group feel competent about their work. McClelland proposes that those in top management positions should have a high need for power and a low need for affiliation. He also believes that although individuals with a need for achievement can make good managers, they are not suited to being in top management positions. 6. Herzberg’s two-factor theory states that certain factors cause job satisfaction, and a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction. According to Herzberg, understanding what causes employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction is important for management. The factors that motivate people can change over their lifetime, but â€Å"respect for me as a person† is one of the top motivating factors at any stage of life. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not on a continuum with one increasing as the other diminishes, but are independent phenomena. To ensure a satisfied and productive workforce, managers must give attention to both sets of job factors. Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory, also known as the motivation-hygiene theory or intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, concludes that while there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, a separate set of factors can cause dissatisfaction. The factors that motivate people can change over their lifetime, but â€Å"respect for me as a person† is one of the top motivating factors at any stage of life. Figure 1 According to Herzberg, intrinsic motivators such as challenging work, recognition, and responsibility produce employee satisfaction, while extrinsic hygiene factors, including status, job security, salary, and fringe benefits – if absent – produce dissatisfaction. Herzberg’s theory appears to parallel Maslow’s needs hierarchy. Individuals look for the gratification of higher-level psychological needs having to do with achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and the nature of the work itself. However, Herzberg added a new dimension to this theory, including factors that cause dissatisfaction as well, such as company policies, supervision, technical problems, salary, interpersonal relations on the job, and working conditions. This two-factor model of motivation is based on the notion that the presence of one set of job characteristics or incentives leads to worker satisfaction, while another and separate set of job characteristics lead to dissatisfaction. Thus, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not on a continuum with one increasing as the other diminishes, but are independent phenomena. If management wishes to increase satisfaction on the job, it should be concerned with the nature of the work itself – the opportunities it presents employees for gaining status, assuming responsibility, and achieving self-realization. If, on the other hand, management wishes to reduce dissatisfaction, then it must focus on the job environment – policies, procedures, supervision, and working conditions. To ensure a satisfied and productive workforce, managers must give attention to both sets of job factors. Examples of Business Goal-Setting Theory Business owners will often set individual goals to motivate employees and reach company objectives. Goals that are hard to reach are often more intriguing, as more work is required to fulfill them. Edwin A. Locke introduced the theoretical approach to setting goals and building motivation, which can be directly applied to a professional setting. In fact, this type of goal-setting theory is one of the more useful motivational theories used in industrial and organizational psychology and management. Clarity and Focus One part of business goal-setting theory is creating clear and focused goals that are obtainable. Having a goal of pulling in $100,000 in business profits within a single year may not be obtainable for a small business owner. A clear and focused goal may be to get $50,000 in profits based on $20,000 in product sales, $10,000 from investments and $20,000 from service sales. A single goal must have a plan to reach the goal, whether it is a monthly plan with mini-goals or a weekly plan for short-term goals. Commitment and Teamwork Employees of a given business may be more committed to a goal if they are a part of setting the goals and deadlines. In addition, a team may also work closer together if they have a mutual goal. Commitment and responsibility to a goal may also increase the motivational level within the business. In addition, each employee may have his own goal, but keep all workers informed of larger goals to ensure continuous commitment and teamwork in a business. Feedback and Progression Another theoretical perspective on setting successful goals in a business environment involves getting feedback from managers and other employees as the work towards the goal progresses. Part of the feedback includes getting clarity on tasks, adjusting the goals or methods, making budgetary changes and getting additional help from managers. This feedback may alter the progression of the goal, so the employee working to reach the goal must be informed of the changes. Complexity and Success A single goal may become overwhelming, especially if the goal is long-term or very complex. Fulfilling these types of goals requires a reasonable time period, including time to learn and practice skills to meet expectations. Meeting a revenue goal may not be reasonable within a single month or quarter, so extending the goal deadline for a reasonable time period may lead to more success. Having a short period of time to fulfill goals may inhibit employees from reaching expectations and may end up failing. Dr. Edwin Locke formulated and clarified what has come to be called â€Å"goal-setting theory† in the 1960s. Since then, businesses have found that employees are more likely to do their best work once they have set clear, attainable goals. Goal-setting theory affects many aspects of your business and once you understand specific applications in each area, you can improve your company in concrete ways. Sponsored Link Small Business Fund your business today $5k to $15k. Apply now! Clarity To be effective, goals must be clear according to goal-setting theory. Employees must know exactly what they’re supposed to achieve and when. Merely telling an employee to â€Å"do better† does not offer a clear course of action and doesn’t indicate how the employee will know when he has achieved the goal. An example of a clear goal is telling an employee you expect a 10 percent increase in sales in three months. Another example might be asking an employee to produce 15 more units per day over a period of six weeks. Such goals make it clear what the employee is supposed to do and what the deadline is. They allow for objective measurement. Challenge A goal is most effective when it presents a challenge to the employee. According to the article, â€Å"Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation† written by Dr. Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, if a task is too easy or too hard employees will not put in their best efforts. However, a goal that is just difficult enough to be challenging inspires maximum performance. For example, asking a production manager to cut costs by 90 percent might be overwhelming. Cutting costs by 20 percent might make a reasonable challenge. Similarly, requiring order takers to double the amount of orders they take in an hour could discourage them. A goal of 15 percent more orders per hour might be more reasonable and challenging. Commitment Getting employees to buy in to the goals you set makes it more likely they will reach those goals. You can do this by asking employees to participate in setting goals. Their commitment will provide the energy and perseverance that will help them achieve those goals. For example, getting your accounting department to agree to having all of your assets labeled and tracked by the end of the year can give them a sense of purpose and direction that will help them work together and improve their ability to value assets for tax purposes. Feedback You don’t just add goals and then check on their completion at deadline time. If you provide benchmarks along the way, this lets your employees know how they are doing. You can also hold periodic meetings so they can give you feedback about any issues that have arisen and adjustments that have to be made. This two-way feedback approach helps measure progress towards achieving goals and provides encouragement in the face of difficulties. For example, if you want the production department to have 20 percent fewer rejections from the quality-control department in six months, you can meet with them each month to give them their current figure and identify any areas where the problems seem to be occurring. In addition, if you would like a 30 percent improvement in customer service ratings, you can give your customer service department feedback on a weekly or monthly basis to let them know how they’re doing. Task Complexity Complex tasks can be overwhelming. Help your employees break such tasks into smaller parts so that they can achieve smaller goals on their way to the big one. For example, if you want to migrate all the data from one database to another, you can set smaller goals of moving a set number of accounts each week or month. Another example might be that if you want expansion plans for a new facility done in six months, you could set smaller goals of completing an analysis for the financing needed, construction costs and the new personnel that will be required as separate goals to achieve.

Friday, August 30, 2019

McDonald’s Company Essay

Today McDonald’s have more than 32,000 local restaurants serving and more than 60 million customers in 117 countries each days. McDonald operation begin in 1940 when Dick and Mac opened McDonald’s Bar-B-Que restaurant in San Bernardino, California. In 1948, Dick and Mac close the operation for the renovation and reopened after three month later with the most popular item. In 1954, Ray Kroc, as multimode, was attraction and operation and learnt that the McDonald brother had desired to franchise their operation. Besides that, McDonald also into international market and continue to expend around the globe. For the management of McDonald, the main aspect to entire the business are ethical, truthful, and dependable . McDonald was conduct by their Board of Director that insure their act in the best interest. Apart from that, takes a proactive approach to enforcing their global food service. For the Global Perspective, McDonald has developed a strategy for operating their fast food enterprise. First, McDonald is not rely merely on its brand success in Unite State. Second, McDonald should attune their brand and also understand what the local cultures and develop a strategy that suitable with the local customer base. Based on the past experience, the future of McDonald is looking bright. 2. WHAT TYPES OF MANAGERIAL LEVELS DO YOU THINK EXIST WITHIN THE McDONALD’S CORPORATION? HOW WOULD THESE LEVELS INTERACT TO ACCOMPLOSH THE GOALS OF THE ORGANISATION? The types of managerial levels that exist within the McDonald’s corporation are Board of Director. A Board of Director is the higher level in the business McDonald’s Corporation that elected by stockholders to represent their ownership interest. A role of Board of Director is to ensure all the business activity being run right and at the same time to ensure their business activity will archived their objective, mission, and vision. An objective is important to the business activity same like McDonald’s corporation because it guide marketing action and at the same time used to make sure how well plan is working along the business activity. There are many interact to accomplish the goals of the organization by the  levels. First, they must act in the best interests of, and fulfil their fiduciary obligations to, McDonald’s shareholders. It means that, McDonald Corporation needs make sure their profit increase by years to years with expand their business along the world to gain the trust of the shareholder to invest in the McDonald business activity. For example, Kroc was opened the first McDonald’s in Desplaines, lllinois and follow by international market on 1967 in Canada and Puerto Rico. Second, the main basic of business activity in McDonald’s is they must act honestly, fairly, ethically, and with integrity especially between the employees. So the level must avoid their self from bribery, carry out business with terrorist group, and received the laundering money. Third, conduct them in professional, courteous and respectful manner. For example, the Board of Director McDonald’s Corporation must have a good relationship between employees in the business activity where they come see the work done by their employee. Then, the level also must act in a method to increase and maintain the reputation of McDonald’s business activity where these level perform in an effectiveness and efficiency such as from the management process is planning, organization, leading, and controlling is using to achieve their goals. Besides that, a Board of Director must respect their confidentiality of information that related about the business activity except they get an authorized or legally required to disclose such information, because all the business activity have their own networking for the short and long period and plays as their secret of corporation to develop their business same like McDonald’s business activity. Finally, these levels mus t not use secret information about the company such as their planning, organizing, leading, and controlling for their personal advantage. 3 . HOW WILL McDONALD’S BE ABLE TO DEVELOP MANAGERIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES NECESSARY TO CONTINUE THEIR SUCCESS IN THE FUTURE? Introduction The learning focus in McDonald’s management is on developing skills and competencies to deal with the trickiness of human behaviour and problem solving in organization. McDonald’s very famous among us because it known as popular fast food. Even though, it has achieved success around the globe, but not without overcoming a pair of challenges in its pursuit of the title â€Å"King of Fast Food†. So that skill is important to McDonald’s to translate knowledge into action that result in desired performance. Skill of management based on three categories and they are technical, human and conceptual for management success and their relative importance varies by level of managerial responsibility. Managerial skills A technical skill is the ability to use a special proficiency or expertise to perform particular tasks. For example, McDonald’s should knowing how to write a business plan, use statistics to analyze data from a market survey, prepare visual aids and deliver a persuasive oral presentation and find useful information on the internet. McDonald’s could not very merely on its brand success in the United States and simply run their international locations as they had in the US. They needed to attune their brand to the needs and wants of the local customers in each of the markets they are entered. McDonald’s also would need to understand the local cultures and develop a strategy that would match up with the expectations of the local customer base. For example, the first step McDonald’s to treading at Malaysia, marketers should be aware of the cultural and societal the resident. When they analysis, they know the majority of the resident in Malaysia is Islam so that they take the best way to make sure their objection will fulfil is they apply logo Halal to Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) to certified their product. Now, they can carry on their legal business at the Malaysia. A human skill or interpersonal skills is the ability to work well in cooperation with other people. This is very important because they are demonstrated in the workplace as a capacity to communicate, to collaborate and network and to engage others through interpersonal relationships with a spirit of trust, enthusiasm, positive engagement and a capacity to understand or empathize with the feeling of others. Manager of McDonald’s should encouraged the good relationship among the employer and employee because it can gives many benefits to company. The one of the benefits is it can encouraged the brainstorming from each other. Employer should cannot critic idea and accept idea who can develop the  company. The secret of McDonald’s success is its willingness to innovate, even while striving to achieve consistency in the operation of its many outlets and tried to appeal to wider range of customer. A conceptual skill is the ability to think critically and analytically to diagnose and solve complex problems. The â€Å"critical thinking† is a diagnostic skill based on cognitive intelligence who means a competency to think systematically, identify causes and effects links and recognize patterns in events and data. The one of the challenges was faced by McDonald’s it was gathering flak from the environmentalists who decried all the litter and solid waste its restaurants generated each day. To counter some of the critism, McDonald’s partnered with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to explore new ways to make its operations more friendly to the environment. In addition, it is also pays off in the bottom line by reducing shipping costs for supplies as well a garbage removal fees. Even though they faced many challenges but they should think properly how to handle and solve their problems and it will makes their success in the future.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Amy Tan

Amy Tan Amy Tan was born in 1952 in John and Daisy Tan of Chinese immigrants in Oakland, California. Her family eventually settled in Santa Clara. When Tan was in his teens, one of his father and brother died of brain tumor within a few months. In the meantime, Tan learned that her mother got married to an abusive husband in China. After his divorce, her mother left China and left three daughters during the Communist Party acquisition. Amy Tan struggled with many of the problems posed by her dual culture and she expressed this in her work. Daisy and Jong Tang are parents of postwar immigrants and Amy Tan (Amy Tan). Tan was given the name of Chinese, blessing of America, Mei Mei (McCarthy). For them, this is a blessing they will win after their struggle. After World War II, Tan's father arrived in the United States and became Minister (Amy Tan). Than life seems to be progressing well, but the tragedy is shocking. Amy Tan is a Chinese-American writer and is known for his highly respect ed novel The Joy Luck Club. Amy Ruth Tan was born on February 19, 1952 at John and Daisy Tan in Auckland, California. Amy 's parents are Chinese immigrants who escaped China to get out of trouble. Amy 's mother Daisy divorced her abusing husband, left three daughters, then moved to the United States and married John, the father of Amy. Marriage bore three children, Amy Tan Amy Tan was born in 1952 in John and Daisy Tan of Chinese immigrants in Oakland, California. Her family eventually settled in Santa Clara. When Tan was in his teens, one of his father and brother died of brain tumor within a few months. In the meantime, Tan learned that her mother got married to an abusive husband in China. After divorcing him, her mother fled from China during the acquisition of the Communist Party, left three daughters, and she will ... even if broken and broken Growing up in words that could be considered, the love affair of Amy Tan's language allowed her to accept the change in English surroun ding her. In her essay mother tongue, Tan talked about her inner conflict with her mother from English education. Tan who shows her experience as a teenager like her mother and shares it is dissatisfied with the difficulty of being seriously incapable of thinking seriously

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Performance of Contracts and Remedies for Breach Essay

Performance of Contracts and Remedies for Breach - Essay Example These include offer and acceptance, mutual agreement, consideration, competent parties, legality of purpose and proper form. People enter into contracts on a day-to-day basis for various reasons such as trading purposes (Boundy, 2010). An example of a breached contract is that of a car dealer, Mr. Richard, who imported a vehicle from Europe on behalf of Mr. McKenzie. Mr. McKenzie specifies that he wants a Mercedes E200 and pays three quarters of the total cost up front with an agreement that the remaining quarter to be paid upon delivery. However, Mr. Richard brings in a Mercedes 200E. Both parties have tried all the possible channels to settle the matter, but all is in vain. This makes them sort to seek legal action to solve the problem. At the end, the court rules in favour of Mr. Mackenzie and forces Mr. Richard to bring the contract to performance as agreed. This breaching can be analysed as below. Performance of a contract occurs when all the terms of a contract are fulfilled, a nd the contract has settled. Performance can either be complete, substantial or inferior. Complete performance occurs when the contract is discharged. As for substantial performance, the non-breached party can recover from the damages caused by the other party (Boundy, 2010). In this case, the non breaching party can have three or more options. The first one is to request the contractor to bring the contract to performance. ... Mr. Richard did not bring into performance the contract as agreed there by breeching the contract. Though he brought a Mercedes, it was not as specified in the contract (Goldman and Sigismond, 2010). Breaching of contract occurs when one party of the contract fails to meet part or all of their agreed requirements. A breach can be either actual or anticipatory. An actual breach occurs when a contractor completes the agreed contract partially or does not complete at all on the due date. An anticipatory breach occurs when one party communicates to the other well in advance that he will not fulfill his part of the contract before performing it. The non-breaching party is usually at liberty to choose one or more ways through which settlement of damages will take place. The main four types of contract breaches recognized by the law include Minor breach, Material breach, Fundamental breach, and Anticipatory breach. Damages compensate breaches caused in a contract. There are four main catego ries of damages. These are compensatory, consequential, liquidated and nominal. Compensatory damages restore the benefit of the agreement. The non-breaching party gets payment, an equivalent of what was to be paid if the contract was fully performed. This depends on the contract and the part that underwent breaching. Consequential damages occur because of external circumstances that affect the contract. Liquidated damages are reasonable amounts paid after both parties have agreed in advance before the contract is breached. In nominal damages, the breached party sues the breaching party and is paid some small amount though there is no financial loss (Goldman and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Parents Role in the Care and Development of Children with Disabilities Thesis

Parents Role in the Care and Development of Children with Disabilities - Thesis Example Parents who are taking care of the disabled children have to adjust wit their new condition, expectations and they have to adjust with their emotional, social and financial pressures of life. Hence many of the parents come close to each other and make their relationship stronger. They should understand the fact that all the relationship go through good and bad times which will help them to identify the depth of the each and stay to each other. Support and understanding from the relatives is also essential for the parents to go through their difficult period. A certain responsibility of taking care of these children is in the hand of the teachers at school. Parents and the teachers should work hand in hand for the care and development of the children with disabilities. This paper deals with presentation and the interpretation of the data of the role of parents in the care and development of the children with disabilities. As defined by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) a child with disability means children with mental retardation, hearing impairment and many other health impairments who â€Å"needs special education and related services†.... A large part of the surveys received constituted of postal surveys which were around 11 in number three surveys were gathered from elementary school while two were received from the program after school, five surveys were directly given to the researcher. The content analysis of the data collected through the survey reveals several interesting facts which are mainly concerned about the education needs for the children who have disabilities not just handicapped, physical and mental disabilities but also learning disabilities. the children who have disabilities have less access to education institutions and in most of the cases education of disabled children is limited to high school, a very meager percentage have the chances of doing their graduate course. 1. What is the profile of the parent-respondents based on the following variables: age, civil status, employment, income, number of children, order of birth of children with disabilities, legitimacy status of child with disability/i es? Most of the parents who took part in the survey were in between the age group 21-35. While analyzing the data we can find that those who are engaged in taking care of the disabled child are females which range to 76.19% when compared to males which are only up to 23.81%. The data interpretation of the results of the survey is highly essential in order to understand the problem situation which is associated with the education needs of the disabled children in the society. The Gender classification of parents who participated in the survey process An analysis of the gender participation of people in the survey shows that there are more female participants in the survey as compared to their male counterparts. The number of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Two One page orders for a discussion post - not a paper just to be Essay - 3

Two One page orders for a discussion post - not a paper just to be done as a discussion board post - Essay Example cientists and leaders like John Adams and Owen have understood the wider implications of education and believed that along with propagation of knowledge, it should also become a tool for preserving the constitution of the nation. Gutek, the modern educationalist has been quite vociferous in promoting radical reforms in the education system to meet the challenges of the contemporary environment of pluralistic society and fast advancing technology. He reaffirms the relevance of the philosophies of Mann, Adams etc. and categorically says that educational institutes must widen their vision and mission to include children and people from diverse background. The goals of NCLB have thus, brought the Public schools to the common man who can now access education, especially in the public schools that are considered a seat of academic excellence but which were well-known for their preferences to the elite class. In the early eighteenth and nineteenth century, education was not universal and catered to the select few who could afford it. Though, the philosophers through the ages have advocated education as the mainstay of development of the nations, historians have shown that the Americans had realized early its importance and reformers like Jefferson, Adams, Mann etc had advocated an education system that would help gain knowledge that could be used for the wider welfare of the society. In the subsequent years, the emergence of public schools, private schools and government schools had promoted politics of segregation, based on social status, racism and class difference. To make education universal and accessible to all, No Child Left Behind is the most commendable program, taken by the Bush government to reduce the increasing disparity in the education system in the United States. The four pillars of the program greatly support the accessibility to good education through ‘accountability, choice, and flexibility in Federal education programs’ (USDOE). NCLB has

Personel Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personel Finance - Essay Example In the event that I lose my job and I do not have a source of income, I will adjust my financial lifestyles, budget and the financial plans that I have. The following analysis will look at the specific steps and how my new lifestyle will be like. The loss of job will be characterized by decline in my income; hence difficulties in making my ends meet. The first will be to accept this new situation and discuss it with my important people in my life. I will adjust my budget so that I only spend my money on the basics of the life and only on what I can afford at the current economic status. This means I will adjust from spending on the things that do not bring any value in life at current status. For example I will stop going out or adjust to going out to the places that I can comfortably afford. I will invest the remaining resources to get another source of income such as securing another job or any income generating project. I will stop buying expensive clothes and only buy the basics. On the long term basis, this will affect my expected investments such as building my own

Sunday, August 25, 2019

See the instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

See the instructions - Essay Example By being persuasive, Mr. Berkowitz stated that one can be able to lead others, and even influence others’ perceptions and beliefs. Therefore, when one is communicating persuasively, especially in the workplace, success is always within reach: being persuasive makes one earn the trusts and the confidence of their employers, their co-workers, and even with the industry leaders where they are practicing their respective professions. In addition to persuasion, Mr. Berkowitz also emphasized that being hard working, as well as and displaying a highest level of professionalism is essential for one to succeed, especially if that person wants to set up his or her own company on the future. By being hard working and professional, one will gain the confidence and trusts of the industry, and most importantly the consumers, believing that this particular company would be able to deliver the best services to their clients and business partners alike, a trait that is vital to the success of a start-up

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Write on anything related to European history from the Ancient World Research Paper

Write on anything related to European history from the Ancient World up through the Reformation - Research Paper Example The history of the country starts from the Stone Age. Minoan and Mycenaean kings also have contributed significantly to the history of the country. This paper will try to enlighten the history of the ancient Greece and its historic reformation. The ancient Classical and Hellenistic periods of Greece are without any shadow of doubt the most splendid eras the world has ever come across. Those periods left behind lots of ideas, art and concepts. The history of the ancient Greece is popularly known as the building blocks of the western civilization. Before the 8th century BC, the country was submerged in the dark era. In the 8th century the country started to came out of the Dark Ages. It was introduced by the fall of Mycenaean civilization. During that period the country replaced Mycenaean script with Greek alphabet1. Archaic period of Greece witnessed Lelantine War which was the oldest documented war as far as the Ancient Greece is concerned. This period was almost three century before than the time of classical age. During the Archaic period the country advanced a lot as far as the art, poetry and technology were concerned. After the Archaic period, the next period is popularly known as the Classical Period. This period las ted for almost 200 years. The period has undergone lots of annexations by the Persian Empire. Different political thoughts, architectures, philosophy, and scientific thoughts are the results of this era only. The Hellenistic period of Greece is significantly marked due to the presence of the Alexander the Great. Alexander III was famously known as the Alexander the Great2. He was one of the most military geniuses that the world has ever produced. This Macedonia based military genius taught the whole Greek people about the modern war fare. Like the other Greek people the genius was highly inspired by the divine ambition. The king rewrote the history of the Greece with his indomitable

Friday, August 23, 2019

Managerial accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managerial accounting - Essay Example Following which it will be discussed how the company has implemented this strategy in the day – to – day working. As mentioned earlier JIT was firstly introduced by Henry Ford and was clearly described in his book ‘My Life and Work’ in 1923. It was then that Henry Ford had realised that inventory stocking was a waste of investments in terms of the amount locked up in forms of inventory as well as storage and transportation costs. The JIT process is simple and defines stocking of goods to be a waste. Companies using this method follow the thumb rule of ordering for stocks whenever it is required by the company. This process exposes the hidden costs that the company incurs for storing and transporting of the inventories. The process might seem simple however when it comes to incorporating it into the daily business, the companies face a number of issues as it would mean completely changing the process flow of the company. There are a number of different disciplines that are followed to ensure the correct timing for ordering the goods to fit in correctly into the process flow of the company. This process involves aspects of statistics, behavioural science, production management and industrial engineering. In simple terms JIT is a process ensures that the inventories of a company are available at the right time, at the right place, the right amounts and finally the right materials (Sandras, 1989). Toyota is one of biggest motor company in the world. The company has been existent from times before the first ever air conditioner, colour television and even the first ever cheese burger was invented. It was started way back in 1934, where the first engine was produced by the company. It was later in 1935 that the first car was produced. In 1937 the company was split off. The company’s production was very limited between the years of 1936 -1945. The company however picked up motion in 1945 and the production was seen to grow rapidly since then.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Audience Analysis and Reception Essay Example for Free

Audience Analysis and Reception Essay Knowing the audience needs, are important to communicate effectively. In the workplace, knowing the needs helps us to explain the what, why, how, who, and when we can provide productivity in the workplace. In this report, I would like to inform my manager, about why we need another maintenance technician and certain tools for the Maintenance Shop. In this formal letter to management, what would be the need for a maintenance technician and certain tools needed to perform tasks.† What† being the problem, and the steps we must take to achieve this goal. My report will include ways to save in order to allow capital to be saved to allow an extra payroll. Safety issues due to the lack of an extra employee, and how we can get more productivity done within the company. Understanding, that this report must be formal, I must be sure to use the proper language, tone, and content. Because this report is to be written to manage I must also provide evidence, facts, and personal experience to support my claim. Providing a plan to reach these goals will help me to better explain the â€Å"where†, I am trying to help the company. By explaining, how the addition of more tools, and a maintenance technician would benefit the company. This can further express the needs of the two to management. Also, providing a map of the tasks that will be accomplished, and a timeframe in which they will be completed helps to explain how it would also be beneficial for the company. Not considering the audience needs can lead to communication lost, or the inability to interact effectively with the receiver of the message. The content of the report will not answer the question of what is the problem, how can we solve the problem, what steps are needed to solve the problem, where we can find the resource to fix the problem, and why we should take these steps to accomplish other tasks. Formal reports should be written in formal. At this time, the claim that we are making should be supported with evidence, facts,  and personal experience to be taken as factual information. The content of the report should focus on the needs of the audience, and the steps that are needed to solve the problem. Sources: The five W’s An old tool for the new task of audience analysis-ProQuest (). Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A great earthquake Essay Example for Free

A great earthquake Essay The magnitude 8. 8 earthquake that occurred a month ago in Chile, as well as the impending tsunami along the Pacific Rim is the product of a fortuitous event. These are events which cannot be foreseen or which though foreseen are inevitable. The quake struck at 3:34 a. m. in central Chile. The capital Santiago is about 200 miles from the epicenter and Concepcion, Chile’s second-largest metropolitan area, is roughly 70 miles from the quake’s center. A magnitude of 8. 0 or greater is classified as a great earthquake which results to communities being destroyed. The 8. 8 magnitude earthquake in Chile has killed lesser people compared to the 7. 0 magnitude that struck Haiti on January 12 that killed more than 200,000 people. It was 32 times the energy higher and 64 times greater than what took place in Haiti. The difference in the death toll lies in the buildings’ structures and their construction. Unless a building is designed and engineered specifically to withstand an 8. 0 or greater earthquake it’s going to sustain considerable damage. Even buildings that are well built sustain significant damage. Buildings that are poorly built are completely destroyed. Chile, being a more industrialized nation came up with more stringent building codes. By designing a more flexible structure, we can lessen the effect of the disaster. It makes the buildings slide or sway but not crumble to the ground. Engineers who work on earthquake resistant buildings said that current technologies prevent well-designed buildings from cracking when the ground shakes beneath them Natural disasters such as floods, tsunami and earthquakes do occur. There is nothing we can do to prevent it. However, there is something we can do to lessen its impact. Earthquakes alone don’t actually kill people; it is the collapsed structures that do the damage. Disaster preparedness as well as earthquake-proof buildings are the keys to lessen the impact of such disaster.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ethical Analysis Of Investment Into The Alcohol Industry Commerce Essay

Ethical Analysis Of Investment Into The Alcohol Industry Commerce Essay Virginia Tech invests in multiple initiatives each year, being ethical in doing so is a job of its own. Analyzing all aspects of the investment and how it will impact financially, socially, environmentally, and ethically are extremely pertinent. Virginia Tech receives donations of every size, daily. Virginia Techs total endowment value as of September 30, 2012 was $610,035,977.00, most options are limitless for Tech. The mission of the Virginia Tech foundation ultimately states that the foundation takes the funding and manages the assets to help supplement funds. The foundation also offers funding for standing initiatives as well as new initiatives requested by the university. They state that this is all while being a corporate citizen, so for interests that not only affect the university (Virginia Tech Foundation, 2011). Virginia Tech seeing themselves as a corporate citizen, is an important note to stop on. Being ethically and socially responsible for all their actions, Virginia Tech must determine how each investment will affect their reputation and profits. These two characteristics, being ethical and socially responsible can affect Virginia Tech for years to come with potential students and the impact they have on the environment. Researching the current investments Virginia Tech conducts as well as the potential for Virginia Tech to invest in the alcohol industry themselves has brought up many ethical issues and pressures. Virginia Techs current policies on alcohol stands, that students and guests over the age of 21 may possess alcohol on campus and within their dorms. Students under the age caught with possession of alcohol are subject to a Conduct Review and strikes against their record. If further action is needed a formal charge from the Virginia Tech police can be issued. Virginia Tech does although permit ABC Approved parking lots for the Virginia Tech Football games, which are monitored by Virginia Tech and Town of Blacksburg Police. Here, many students and guests can be ticketed for breaching the open container or public intoxication laws. Investment in the Alcohol Industry could cause most students and guests to consider a double standard between them and Virginia Tech. Ethical standards and social responsibility must work together in the decision factor. Ethical Issues Due to the nature of the alcohol industry there are several ethical issues involving both the products and the marketing practices implemented by companies within the industry. Two main ethical issues concern marketing to those who are underage and health related issues. Many argue that marketing practices of alcohol companies target those who are underage and encourage them to participate in illegally consuming alcohol. Others argue that even if marketing efforts arent directly targeting those who are underage they are still exposed to alcohol related advertisements which could influence to them to consume alcohol while underage. It has been reported that 45% of commercials teens see are somehow related to alcohol, which is a tremendous amount of exposure to products which they are not yet allowed to consume. One last argument for this issue is that there is no way to differentiate marketing efforts attempting to target those who are 21-30 from also appealing to those who are under 21. There are many similarities of what appeals to those who are any of these ages. Many liquor companies have developed brightly colored labels, creative names, and a vast number of flavors; all argued to appeal to a younger crowd. In many forms of advertising drinking alcohol is made to look fun, exciting, and creates an atmosphere that viewers wouldnt want to be left out of. Many advertisements create a sense of unity and fitting in and that participating in drinking alcohol can accomplish that. Many companies attempt to counteract these claims by adhering to marketing regulations and running responsible drinking campaigns that advocate sensible drinking for recreational purposes only. These campaigns aim to help prevent alcoholism, drunk driving, and underage consumption. Marketing efforts implemented by companies within the alcohol industry are heavily regulated; at least 70% of the target audience must be over the legal drinking, the ad cannot be designed to appeal to those who are underage, and no part of the advertising can encourage irresponsible drinking. The second ethical issue surrounding the alcohol industry concerns with public health. Alcohol provides no health related benefit but can instead harm the body and empower people to harm others. Not everyone is capable of self-control and consuming alcohol in moderation. In the United States there are approximately 17.6 million adults who live with alcoholism, which not only affects them, but their families and anyone close to them as well. Consuming enough alcohol can cause judgment to be impaired and might cause a person to make a decision that they would not regularly make. Decisions can include, but are certainly not limited to, drunk driving. Three out of ten people will be involved in an alcohol related car crash at some point in their lives. Also, in 2009 a person died every 48 minutes due to an alcohol impaired driver. Many ask the question if the number of fatalities is really worth the ability to consume alcohol, at any age. An important element to take into consideration is that ethical issues regarding the alcohol industry can and will vary from country to country depending upon how alcohol consumption is viewed. For example, there is quite a difference in opinion and normality between drinking behavior in Ireland versus the attitude of drinking in the United States. Certain events in particular countries are not allowed to have alcohol companies be sponsors, and even in some countries all forms of advertising are banned. Pressures Facing the Alcohol Industry When it comes to the alcohol industry there are many barriers and pressures that limit the industrys success. The majority of problems come from activist organizations that negatively portray alcohol and bring to light the harmful effects alcohol can cause. There are organizations such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that attempt to stigmatize alcohol, de-legitimize drinking, marginalize drinkers, and create a de facto quasi-prohibition of the legal product.(Hanson). This organization has dedicated itself to limiting the alcohol industry in America. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation spent over a quarter of a billion dollars ($265,000,000.00) in just four years alone further developing and funding a nation-wide network of anti-alcohol organizations, centers, activist leaders, and opinion writers to promote its long-term goal (Hanson). Although the Robert Wood Foundation may not be well know by the public, nearly every study disparaging adult beverages in the mass media, every legislative push to limit alcohol marketing or increase taxes, and every supposedly grassroots anti-alcohol organization is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). One of the well-known organizations supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Mothers Against Drunk Driving points out the most severe effect that is related to alcohol, death. Founded by a mother whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, Mothers Against Drunk Driving is the nations largest nonprofit organization that works towards stopping alcohol related harms (MADD). Through testimonies and videos Mothers Against Drunk Driving attempts to educate teens about the dangers of driving under the influence as well as underage drinking. MADD publicly exposes the alcohol industry in a way that persuades individuals to think negatively about it. This creates a pressure on the alcohol industry, as they must fight to direct the publics eye away from the negativity and more towards the positive and profitable side of the industry. Although the pressures facing the alcohol industry seem severe, we believe the profitability and shareholder value will not be affected. The alcohol industry is a vital element in the American economy and no matter how negatively activist organizations portray it, the alcohol industry will remain profitable. Pressures from these organizations may slow the alcohol industry slightly, but with the superior influence alcohol has on the American people the alcohol industry will always persevere. Corporate Social Responsibility To address the pressures that are facing the alcohol industry, companies have come up with several initiatives to promote responsible drinking, address sustainability issues, and other charitable programs important to each specific company. The International Center for Alcohol Policies, ICAP, is an organization that promotes understanding of responsible drinking and helps reduce the abusive behaviors associated to drinking. Their policy approach is based on drinking patterns, targeted interventions, and partnerships. The organization provides the current alcohol policies countries, worldwide. ICAP has partnered up with thirteen companies and other organizations working towards the same cause. Bacardi, a sponsor of ICAP, is also a founding member of The Century Council which promotes responsible drinking, fighting against college binge drinking, and drinking and driving. They also have an campaign called Champions Drink Responsibly which educates drinkers on the importance of taking your time while drinking, staying in control of the amount of drinks you consume, planning your night out, and making sure you have a ride home or back to a safe place at the end of the night and also throughout the night. Bacardi uses a professional athlete as the face of the campaign. During 2011, Bacardi measured a 4 percent reduction in total water usage, a 7 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, over 37 million people engaged with their Champions Drink Responsibly campaign, and having 3,750 employees from numerous countries participate in 128 various activities. Smirnoff briefly describes their corporate social responsibility on their website. Their campaign, Drink Responsibly focuses on three main objectives, effects of alcohol, tips for drinking responsibly, and tips on how to get home safely and the importance in doing so. It was disappointing to see their lack of interest in taking on more responsibility to give back to the community and world around us. There is definitely much room for improvement to make the company more well-rounded. We also found it important to touch on a couple beer companies, as well, when looking into whether Virginia Tech should invest in the industry because beer and liquor are the main drinking preferences for college-aged students. We took a look at MillerCoors, which is also a sponsor of ICAP, breaks their corporate responsibility into several areas. Their slogan, Great Beer, Great Responsibility shows their dedication and stand on their responsibility to various areas of public concern and not just responsible drinking. Most recently, MillerCoors came up with a competition amongst eligible colleges to win $10,000 grants by supporting responsible consumption efforts for legal-age students. This program is called Great Play Grant Program and the grants were issued for the first time in 2012 with a totle of $230,000 in grants. MillerCoors also addresses the issue of drinking and driving by providing free rides in certain cities on holidays, specifically, as well as sponsoring 1-800-TAXICA B service, which is a toll-free phone number that passengers can call and connect to taxicab companies in their local area. MillerCoors also worked to install a new cooling system that saves 100 million gallons of water each year. They also reduced energy consumption in their major breweries by 4.3 percent for that last 4 years. Along with these two sustainability efforts, MillerCoors also worked with their supply chain to make sure they are working to find ways to decrease energy and water usage and grow to use sustainable practices throughout each step in the supply chain. Anheuser Busch uses a similar slogan as MillerCoors, Our World. Our Responsibility They do not even address their product in this slogan, but instead focus the attention on their belief in being responsible for the world around us. 2012 marks the 30th year since their first responsible drinking campaign. They launched many initiatives since the first campaign to prevent drinking behaviors and most recently started a campaign, Nation of Responsible Drinkers, which asks adults nationwide to take the pledge which is promise to respect the legal drinking age, enjoy responsibly and know when to say when, be the designated driver or use one. This is another company that knows their responsibility does not end with their responsible drinking efforts. They must also show the importance in other issues that this world is facing, such as environmental threats. Anheuser Busch has reduced water usage by 34 percent in the last three years. They have also gotten to the 99 percent marker of recycling the solid waste in their breweries. Both, Anheuser and Miller have reduced the materials in the packaging stages and coming up with ways to use renewable fuel in their factories. Both brewing companies we took further look into, Anheuser Busch and Miller Coors, have also participated in many charity and philanthropic events. MillerCoors employees spent more than 53,000 hours during 2011 in local community fundraisers. MillerCoors specifically participates in Great Water Month which aims to improve the watersheds around the breweries. Anheuser Busch has a foundation that has contributed $490 million to organizations that support education, environment, economic development, and preparation of disasters and relief. Social/Ethical Investment Policy Recommendations When making investment decisions, Virginia Tech absolutely should take into account Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical issues pertaining to the alcohol industry and its particular firms. Â  Especially when we are talking about this amount of money, you must think about the responsibility and possible outcomes of our decisions. In this case there are red flags surrounding the alcohol industry that must be studied. Â  By red flags we are talking about issues that could look bad for Virginia Tech. Â  For the alcohol industry in particular there are problem areas such as; misleading the public, along with the concerns for the health and safety of its users. Â  The way you understand and deal with these possible negative issues can have a major impact on your decisions and outcomes. Although we know that maximizing shareholder value is important, when making decision with investments we take into account not only the financial payoff but also what we believe is ethically correct. Â  Virginia Tech needs to be very careful when dealing with situations that would lead to benefited financial return while sacrificing ethical reasoning. Â  Overall, we believe there is no room to take ethical risks for financial returns because the possible negative outcomes. Â  A major negative outcome we consider comes in the form of being negatively publicized. Â  Having this negative publicity could have an even greater impact than the possible increased profit. Â  Even legal industries, such as the alcohol industry, are very baiting because of the possible financial rewards. Â  These are areas/scenarios that Virginia Tech should steer away from. Â  We believe it simply sends a wrong and conflicting message to our community and to an institution that prides themselves on the ir high moral ground. Â   After completing our research we do recommend that Virginia Tech NOT invest in the alcohol industry. Seeing much of this activity as inappropriate as an academic institution. A majority of the Virginia Tech student population is under the age of 21, making sponsorships and other endowments an inappropriate presentation of the Virginia Tech reputation and hypocrisy against the standing alcohol policies. Investing in this industry could also create bad publicity with the potential to destroy the Virginia Tech reputation and standards. Also, many could see this as Virginia Tech supporting underage drinking on their campus. Overall this investment could destroy the brand Virginia Tech has been building for so long. Financially, this investment would be profitable because the alcohol industry only seems to be growing, but ethically inappropriate to pursue. Many people see the alcohol industry as having impressive corporate social responsibility and not supporting underage drinking, while also leveraging the saying drink responsibly on every marketing campaign. So as an academic institution with a majority of the student population under the age of 21, Virginia Tech should NOT support it either.

Free Speech -- Liberty Rights Papers Internet Censorship

Free Speech â€Å"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.† These words were spoken by Benjamin Franklin, one of our nation’s founding fathers, when the United States was still a newly independent country. Free speech, which is defined as the right to express any opinion in public without censorship or restraint by the government, is a subject that is still present in the minds of many people today. At one extreme of the spectrum is a group of folks that do not care the slightest bit about free speech issues and at another end is a group of people who will vehemently fight to protect their right to free speech. In a middle ground, like most peoples’ stance, lay a large group of individuals who only take notice and take action regarding such issues when they become personally affected. Only when a person is confronted directly with someone or something that limits their actions or ability to express themselves do they begi n to realize just how much they take the right to free speech for granted. And not only is free speech threatening issues becoming more common today, but the age at which individuals come across these threats to free speech is getting even younger. It is starting quite early for today’s children as they are becoming well acquainted with perhaps the most widespread but least recognized threat to our free speech, internet content filters. According to the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility’s (CPSR) Frequently Asked Questions on filtering, a content filter is one or more pieces of software that work together to prevent users from viewing material found on the Internet and is described by the Electronic Frontier Foundation as a software mechanism for... ...ob at actually restricting access to inappropriate material and rather do a much better job at blocking beneficial resources. First and foremost the issue of government-imposed internet content blocking must be addressed. Once a solution to that has been applied, then the use of filters in general can be tackled. The solution to this can best be summed up by the following quote from the National Research Council’s book, Youth, Pornography, and the Internet, â€Å"Swimming pools can be dangerous for children. To protect them, one can install locks, put up fences, and deploy pool alarms. All these measures are helpful, but by far the most important thing that one can do for one’s children is to teach them to swim.† Once parents address the issues through communication with their children, there will be much less of a need for the â€Å"filtering† software on the market today.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Payroll System Implementation Essay -- Payroll Software Technology

Payroll System Implementation Missing Images This report will first examine the Testing Process Summary. This will include a definitive test plan which will identify the major functions of the systems software and hardware to be tested as well as the required system outcomes. Secondly, the installation process and training plan summary will be identified. For this portion of the writing, a Gantt chart will be used to identify the steps and related resources needed to implement the system. A narrative explanation that will discuss the impacts of time and conversion will be included. A description of the training plan will also be outlined. The third section of this writing will summarize the company documentation plan. This will include the identification and explanation of all forms of documentation used throughout the project. The chosen documentation for the technical and user sides of the system will be identified. Lastly, the company support and maintenance plan will be summarized. This plan will outline the chose n software, hardware and networks in regards to the responsibilities of each area. The related resources necessary to properly support and maintain the system will also be identified. Testing Process Summary Testing is a required portion of the implementation phase. It is useful in ensuring a quality system is installed. A well-defined plan, known as a Master Test Plan (University of Phoenix, 2002, section 4), should be developed to make sure all system attributes have been tested. The Mobile Meds test plan will test the database, the accounting interface, the employee webpage, and the upload of paycheck information to the bank. Unit testing will be completed on each of the system components. Mo... ...n outlined the chosen software, hardware and networks in regards to the responsibilities of each. The related resources necessary to properly support and maintain the system were also identified. This is perhaps the most important part of the project as it serves as an investment protection policy for the company. It ensures not only that the project implementation is done, but also demonstrates the lengths the company is willing to go to properly implement new projects. Mobile Meds Payroll System Installation Schedule Reference University of Phoenix. (Ed.). (2002). Introduction to business systems development. [University of Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing. Retrieved January 16, 2005, from University of Phoenix, Resource, BSA/375Ââ€"Business Systems Analysis website:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Silas Marner :: essays research papers

In the book Silas Marner, written by George Elliot, many important themes are presented. It deals with things such as greed, prejudice, superstition, love, isolation and others. All the characters have different traits and all fit in to these themes. Prejudice is the most prevalent theme, in this book. All of the people in Ravelo were extremely prejudice against outsiders. Here are three characters that were victims of prejudice. First, there’s Slilas Marner, an old miser. His only joy in life is to sit at home and count his money. He moved to a town called Ravelo from his hometown of Lantern Yard. He was forced to do so because the people of Lantern Yard falsely accused him of a crime. When Silas arrived in Ravelo, the people looked at him as if he was inhuman. Silas suffered from epileptic fits. Also he liked to stay indoors and count his money. The towns’ people thought that these were signs that he consorted with the devil. When Silas’ money was stolen one night, he went to the Rainbow, a neighborhood hang out, to report the crime. After that episode, the towns’ people started to come around a little and began to talk with Silas on occasion. Dolly Winthrop was one of these people, and actually became good friends with Silas. When Eppie came along to Silas, people didn’t think he would be a suitable parent. Dolly stood up for Silas and said that he would make a fine paren t. Just because Silas was a little eccentric, people looked down upon him as though he was not good enough for them to be around. Then there was Molly. She was Godfrey Cass’ wife. She was to be kept secret from everyone, especially Squire Cass. If he ever found out that Godfrey had been married to her all along he would disown him. Molly was addicted to opium; therefore she was not worthy enough to be married to Godfrey Cass â€Å"the good son†. Molly had a daughter by Godfrey, who was also to be kept a secret. When molly overdosed on New Years Eve, the baby fell out of he arms and wandered in to Silas’ house. The light drew her in. When he later found her sitting by the hearth of the fire, he decided that he would keep her and name her Eppie after his sister. Finally there’s the peddler who was accused of stealing Silas’ money.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effective Leadership Essay

Leaders in the workplace play a unique and vital role in the success or failure of a business. Their responsibilities are great in number and are continuously evolving to meet the growing needs of the employees and the communities they serve. In order to be effective, leaders must constantly strive to create a work environment conducive for team unity and collaboration (Llopis, 2012). Good leaders pride themselves on being visionaries with the ability to lead by example. They have a charismatic gift to inspire and encourage others to work together to meet a common goal (Bateman and Snell, 2009). Contrary to what some believe, leadership is a shared vision. It involves accepting feedback from all involved and the competence to put all the pieces together so that they align with the vision. It is believed that motivation is one of the most powerful emotions that employees bring to the table in the workplace (Heathfiled, 2012). Directly associated with that is the leaders role in cultivating that motivation through joint vision and communication. Good leaders must therefore be great motivators. Some would have individuals to believe that emotions have absolutely no place in the workplace. However, others are inclined to believe that removing emotions from the workplace is a huge mistake. For example, if a work environment is plagued by fear and anxiety, leaders must counteract those emotions with more powerful emotions like faith and optimism. Here is where the leader’s motivational skills must be put into action. Motivation is often referred to as a force that energizes or moves persons to action (Bateman and Snell, 2009). Nehemiah 2:16-18 (NIV) tells a story of how others were moved to action by motivation. Nehemiah challenged Jewish leaders by providing a detailed description of the problem at hand. He painted a vivid picture of how buildings and walls had fallen down and how the gates had been burned. He went on to share with them how outsiders now viewed them as a defeated, fallen and defenseless nation. The people were quite aware of the destruction that had taken place; but Nehemiah’s reminder served as motivation to get them up and moving. Additionally, he motivated them by providing them with a goal to works towards. The city had been destroyed because of sin. Restoration of the wall would be an indication of restoration of favor. Nehemiah had excellent motivational skills – he was honest about the negative and positive effects of the destruction, while giving them a reason to believe that they couldrecover from the destruction. Leaders have the awesome task of keeping employees motivated effectively and efficiently so that productivity does not suffer. One of the most successful ways of doing so is encouraging teamwork among employees. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12, â€Å"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken† (NIV). This passage is a clear indication that teamwork is imperative for organizational structure It increases productivity, quality, cost savings, speed, change, and innovation (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Teamwork allows each member to reap the benefits of contributing to a goal; however leaders must be aware of the fact that conflict will arise. It is during these times that leaders must take a Christian worldview approach and seek guidance from a higher being to effectively resolve the conflict. Additionally, leaders must be able to communicate effectively when dealing with conflict as it relates to teamwork or any other situation in the workplace. Communication improves relationships and creates an effective environment that further promotes teamwork. Great leaders take the time to communicate with everyone directly and indirectly involved with the business because they are the ones who ultimately influence outcomes and decisions (Llopis, 2012). Knowing the essentials of how and when to communicate is of utmost importance. Leaders must acknowledge that communication is a two-way conversation – there is sender and a receiver and all parties involved are playing the roles of both the sender and receiver (Bateman and Snell 2009). Being a great communicator builds trust among employees. Great leaders strive to master the art of being a sender and receiver and must be willing to give the same respect he would like to receive. Ephesians 6:5-10 gives an account on how different entities should treat each other regardless of their roles. Christian bosses, company presidents, managers, crew chiefs, government officials and supervisors are to have the same attitude. The secular work of a supervisor, just like the work of his or her employee, is to be accomplished from a completely different perspective than the world understands. Matthew 7:12 sums up what daily life should consist of and that is â€Å"do for others what you would like them to do for you† (NIV). A good leader lives by this passage and consistently promotes success and sustainability. Leadership success begins and ends with vision and is heavily dependent on the leader’s ability to effectively motivate. References Bateman, T.S., & Senll, S.A. (2009). (pp. 461, 470, 508, 564) Management: Learning and Collaborating in the Competitive World (8th ed.). Chicago, IL: Irwin. Heathfiled, S. (2012). Management Matters Most in Motivation. Retrieved from About: Motivation.htm Llopis, G. (2012, July). Effective Managers. Retrieved from Forbes: doing-5-things-well/ The Holy Bible (NIV)

Friday, August 16, 2019

Job Hunt Based on the Education Stream

Exploratory Essay Being in college is a great opportunity to study the major everyone has always dreamed of. I am sure that not everyone that is in college at the moment knows exactly what direction to go with their specific major. By doing some research on my major I plan to gain some knowledge of what type of job opportunities my accounting major can offer me. At this moment I do not know exactly what different jobs I can pursue with my major. I am also sure that there are a several jobs that can deal with accounting that I will learn about. As I started my research on my major I came to one job title that every person with accounting experience start off with to make a way onto higher positions. This job title is called an accounting clerk. An accounting clerk usually deals with activities like preparing for basic management and ledger maintenance. One essential and basic duty they have to do is assume much responsibility to perform assigned accounting and related clerical support functions. This is where they maintain files, type a variety of reports or documents, print account payable checks and insert checks to mail daily, and prepare worksheets to the general ledger system. A second duty they maintain is resolving accounting or documentation problems by tracking and investigating these problems (Accounting Clerk 1). A third is establishing coordination with the company’s personal and effective communication. This duty deals with assisting and maintaining contact with any other departments to convey any transactions, keep the management informed about any problems or area activities, and involving themselves in any meetings (Accounting Clerk 1-2). A last duty they are responsible for is ensuring the place in which they work is maintained secure and complete any special projects assigned (Accounting Clerk 2). An accountant clerk has many responsibilities they have to take care of at all times. This Google PDF document informed me about the certain responsibilities an accountant clerk has to achieve to maintain this certain position. It showed me the great significance it can play in my life if I chose to go into this position and the things I would have to over go. For example, I can hold the responsibility of maintaining and over looking documents for a company or even finding any issues with any of the documents. It also informed me that becoming an accounting clerk can be a great first step to start off with, so that sooner or later I would be able to pursue bigger and greater things. Starting with this job title could better prepare me for any future positions I would like to get into. Being an accounting clerk sure is one good job title that I would keep in mind, but there are also a couple more that have caught my interest. A second job title that can be a possibility for me to look into that can as well deal with a great amount of responsibilities is bookkeeping. Bookkeepers are responsible for taking many records of the transactions for a company’s business. They must also be able to maintain the records within a certain computer program or given ledger. The type of records bookkeepers need to maintain can include those which calculate accounts payable and receivable, expenditures, receipts, and profit and loss (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Bookkeepers have a lot of tasks they have to do so having a wide range of skills will be the only way they would be able to handle this type of job. A bookkeeper may choose to work for a small business or a large company. Either job they choose to work for requires some sort of the same tasks, but if they liked to work for a large company they would have to have much more experience with the task bookkeepers encounter (Bureau of Labor Statistics). If they do not have the great amount of experience than working for a large business would not be a good fit for them and working for a small business would be a much more comfortable start for them. This bookkeeping job deals with a lot double tasking skills that can be complicated to master. The Bureau of Labor Statistics website has gained me a little knowledge about bookkeeping and what it consist of. From this website I took an understanding that a bookkeeper needs to feel comfortable working with a computer at all times because it is one main source they work with. They also have many responsibilities to take into account and in order to accomplish them they have to have the right amount of experience to be successful in this job. Knowing that they work a lot with computers was one main thing that I like about this job. To calculate, put in records and type out data has caught a little of my interest because having experience with computers is something I can perform well with. A last job title that I looked into that caught my attention was a tax specialist. A tax specialist is the person who fills out tax return forms for many clients. Their ultimate goal is to reduce their client’s tax debt by including any possible deductions. They have to conduct many interviews with each client in order to get important personal and financial information. Their duty does not only limit to reporting on tax returns, but they could also have the responsibility of informing their company of any expenditure that has any association with the business transactions (Solis). Tax specialist can also have the option to work year round or only during the season of taxes. To work year round they would have to be working with a business and to work during the season they can do it to earn themselves extra money.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Gumamela Flowers as Alternative Perfume

â€Å"Gumamela Flowers as alternative perfume† Members: Jozelle Omania Mark Andrew G. Jupida Jimwel C. Ocharona Peter Paul A. De Vera Prince Acee T. Santos Book: you and the natural World Series Biology   html Date: 11/29/12 Statement of the problem: This study Gumamela flowers as an alternative perfume aims to have a fragrance which is safe, effective and environmental friendly. Based from: Biology book and internet Introduction Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, known colloquially as the Chinese hibiscus, China rose and shoe flower, is an evergreen flowering shrub native to East Asia. It is widely grown as an ornamental plant throughout the tropics and subtropics. The flowers are large, generally red in the original varieties, and firm, but generally lack any scent. Numerous varieties, cultivars, and hybrids are available, with flower colors ranging from white through yellow and orange to scarlet and shades of pink, with both single and double sets of petals. Despite their size and red hues attractive to nectar-feeding birds, they are not visited regularly by hummingbirds when grown in the Neotropics. Generalists, like the Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Amazilia lactea, or long-billed species, like the Stripe-breasted Starthroat, Heliomaster squamosus, are occasionally seen to visit it, however. In the subtropical and temperate Americas, hummingbirds are attracted to them on a regular basis. Meaning Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is one of many plant genera with a genetic characteristic known aspolyploidy, in which there are more than two complete sets of chromosomes, unlike most other species including human. Polyploidy is a condition where the phenotype of the offspring may be quite different from the parent, or indeed any ancestor, essentially allowing possibly random expression of all (or any) of the characteristics of all the generations that have gone before. Because of this characteristic, H. osa-sinensis has become popular with hobbyists who cross and recross varieties, creating new named varieties and holding competitions to exhibit and judge the many resulting new seedlings and often strikingly unique flowers. To add to the genetic opportunities, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis has been successfully hybridized with the cold-hardy Hibiscus moscheutos and several other North American Hibiscus species, producing cold-hardy hybrids (see cold-hardy Hibiscus cultivars). Making perfume from G umamela is a popular science project for children due to reasonably easy process that is involved. Before you begin making Gumamela perfume you will need to make sure that you have the correct ingredients and equipment. You will need:†¢ One cup of gumamela flowers (a type of hibiscus)†¢ Five by five inch of muslin pouch†¢ A rubber band†¢ Half an ounce of gumamela essential oils†¢ Two quart glass bowl†¢ A potato masher†¢ One cup of distilled water†¢ One quarter of a cup of ethyl alcohol and a 20 oz spray bottle. If this experiment is being carried out for a child's investigatory project, make sure that they are supervised by an adult at all time.Once all of the ingredients and equipment has been collected, the following steps can then be carried out.†¢ Fill the muslin pouch with the cup of gumamela flowers. Secure the pouch with the rubber band and place it in the glass bowl. You can then add the cip of distilled water to the bowl and microwave the bowl for around four minutes.†¢ Remove the bowl from the microwave and mash the musli n pouch with a potato masher within the bowl. This will express the essential oils that are contained within the pouch of flowers.This should be continued until the water has gained a reddish pink hue. The pouch can then be discarded and the liquid poured into the spray bottle. †¢ Add the ethyl alcohol and gumamela essential oils to the spray bottle. The oils help to enhance the aroma of the perfume and also help it stick to the skin. The ethyl alcohol can be replaced with water for those with sensitive skin but this will create more of a body spray. The lid can then be placed on the spray bottle and the whole think shaken vigorously for a few minutes to blend everything together.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

“MYD Program”

The Make Your Day Program is shaped to develop classroom management through evaluation and assessment as academic protocols in enhancing the student’s performance in school as well as with the development of the â€Å"guidance† aided by the school instructors. Consequently, on the case presented, the most efficient way to bring back the enthusiasm of the student is through the utilization of parent-teacher collaboration and Make Your Day Program philosophies—â€Å"do what is expected and do it the best you can†Ã¢â‚¬â€which provides the student the opportunity to engage in self-peer-teacher evaluation tackling their efforts and behaviors on an everyday basis with corresponding points.   Conceivably, with the aide of constant communication and opening up the emotion of the child and making the student share the presupposed reason for the actions, the predicament shall then be given ample attention and analysis so as to draw the ability of the child away from the verve of unreceptive reactions. Classroom management dilemma The speaking incentive or the pre-requisite regard towards communication strategies has been evident in educational curricula in the contemporary society.   Hence, it is undeniable that there are students who possess the utterly â€Å"shy† personality by which they are unable to air what they wish to express in classroom for reasons which are laid on the issue on health, racial discrimination, status quo or an innate sense of anxiety (Aviv, 2007). These problems are cited by communications professors as a an â€Å"academic dilemma† since that it pulls back the student from getting the whole gist of what is to be acquired in school only because there exists a cold feet in expressing their emotions—which by hand is considered as a vital factor in learning—to be able to share their thoughts.   Studies show that there are students who fail getting a degree and drop out of further education because of the crippled ability in public speaking or in effective communication by which various profession pay high regard and attention. Reference Aviv, R. (2007, November 13, 2007). Don’t Be Shy. The New York Times.      

A Framework Model for an Online Examination Timetable using Constraint Dissertation

A Framework Model for an Online Examination Timetable using Constraint Programming, PHP and MySQL - Dissertation Example The challenge and complexity of the problem lies in the fact that institutions may need to satisfy a set of constraints that might be too diverse or even contradictory. There are a few constraints that cannot be violated at all (hard constraints), few constraints are non universal (soft constraints) and may or may not be followed by an institute and lastly, there may be constraints unique to a specific institute (Burke et al. 1995). Problem Statement Academic institutions all over the world are required to go through the tedious and time consuming task of producing examination timetables periodically. Therefore, a universal solution for the examination timetabling problem would have a substantial impact factor. Owing to the fact that different institutes require a solution satisfying different constraints, the problem of finding a generalized solution that caters all these differences could be rather challenging. Devising a universal model for examination timetable problem would requ ire flexibility in terms of the specified constraints and commercial software cannot provide that. Aims and Objectives The aim of this project would be to suggest a universal framework model for the examination timetabling problem. A solution that ensures provision of flexibility in terms of constraint specifications shall be proposed. ... Literature includes timetabling systems presented by Hansen and Vidal (1995), Colijn and Layfield (1995), Lim et al (2000) and Dimopoulou and Miliotis (2001). Various approaches have been suggested by researchers and universities to solve the examination timetabling problem. Some survey papers have been published over time listing the techniques that have been utilized in addressing the exam timetabling problems. These include the survey by Carter and Laporte (1996), Burke and Petrovic (2002), Schaerf (1999), Petrovic and Burke (2004) and Burke et al. (1997). Amongst the approaches include methods based on evolutionary algorithms (Cote 2005), clustering, graph based sequential methods, case based reasoning (Gaspero & Schaerf 2001), hyper heuristics (Burke et al. 2007), harmony search algorithms (Burke et. al 2004), tabu search (Gendreau & Potvin 2005), particle swarm algorithms (Gaspero & Shuref 2001), and simulated annealing (Chiarandini 2006) have been proposed for the examination timetabling problem. It has been observed that hybrid methods in general give better solutions that pure algorithms. However, efficient integration is required rather than sequentially integrating the different approaches (Que et al. 2006). For building timetabling systems, researchers have used some general constraint programming packages e.g. ECLiPse (Ajili & Wallace 2003). A few efforts have been seen in literature for standardizing the modelling language and data format (Kingston 2001; Ozcan 2003; Reis & Oliveira 2001) once the need for it was recognized (Burke et al. 1998). Methodology The project has both research and development phases, so time shall be divided accordingly. The framework model would have the server-client architecture and would comprise of

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hobbes and Locke on the Evolution of the Civil Society Term Paper

Hobbes and Locke on the Evolution of the Civil Society - Term Paper Example Their views are important for international political thought, because they influenced present international political economy theories and helped paved the debate on political ideology, particularly shaping the discourse on the concept of â€Å"civil society† and the rise of nation-states vis-a-vis â€Å"civil society.† Locke and Hobbes have diverging views on the relationship between the government and civil society, as well as the notions of slavery, sovereignty, direction of international politics, and peace, but they share somewhat similar beliefs in the role of education and the state of nature of humanity. Locke and Hobbes have diverging views on the relationship between the government and civil society. Hobbes believes that Europe has changed as a civil society through the evolution of the social contract. The Commonwealth only exists because of the Covenant between the people and the government or the state. Hobbes says in the Leviathan: â€Å"Essence of the C ommon-wealth; which (to define it) is ‘One Person, of whose Acts a great Multitude, by mutual Covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the Author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their Peace and Common Defense.’† This statement shows that the main goal of the government is to ensure peace and national defense. The covenant or social contract, however, for Hobbes is absolute, where the state incorporates the wills of the individuals; the state is the body and individuals are just parts of it: â€Å"The only way to erect such a Common Power† is â€Å"to confer all their power and strength upon one Man, or upon one Assembly of men, that may reduce all their Wills, by plurality of voices, unto one Will† (Hobbes). This statement underscores that the social contract binds all individuals. On the one hand, it enforces plurality of wills. On the other hand, it means the precedence o f the state over civil society. Locke confirms the same views as Hobbes and argues that Europe also changed because of the need for the social contract. Unlike Hobbes, Locke believes that people take part of social contracts merely to help adjudicate disputes between individuals or groups. He says: â€Å"And this is done, where-ever any number of men, in the state of nature, enter into society to make one people, one body politic, under one supreme government†¦to make laws for him, as the public good of the society shall require†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Locke, Two Treatises on Government). From here, it is clear that Locke believes that it is the people or civil society that legitimizes the state; while for Hobbes, it is the government that legitimizes the existence of a peaceful civil society. My criticism of Hobbes is that he overlooks that the people make the government. The social contract binds the people, but the people can unbind some laws too in order to make the contract fit th eir changing needs and issues. I agree more with Locke, who reminds governments of their servitude to the civil society. It does not mean, however, that the civil society will also abuse its rights and fully void the social contract without due justifications. Locke and Hobbes diverge on the notion of sovereignty. Locke argues that civil society precedes the state. For him, it is society that provides the state its essential source of legitimacy. He contends that when the rulers fail to encourage interests, independence,