Saturday, November 30, 2019

Modern Politics free essay sample

Politics have come a long way from Niccolo Machiavelli in the late 1400’s to current political philosophers of the twentieth century. Many of those great theorists had one single thing in common: they have strived to break old concepts of political thought, being it racial and gender inequality, or ideas on how to be a leader with less opposition. In modern politics, after a long period of centralized governments, the brief trend of gaining freedom and equality has been deteriorating and the creation of an illusion of freedom has slowly replaced the true freedom of speech and thought. In the times of Machievelli, governments were centralized under the power of a prince. In his book â€Å"The Prince,† Machiavelli discussed how a prince should act in order to be fully respected and maintain full power. He suggested that a prince should do whatever was necessary to achieve his objectives and never rely only on ideals; additionally, no price was too high to pay for success, and a prince should focus more on being loved than feared if not possible to have both at the same time. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Politics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the same thought, â€Å"a prince should not worry if he incurs reproach for his cruelty so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal† (RWH, p. 0); in other words, a prince should sometimes be cruel. Moreover, Machiavelli did not believe in individual freedom. Even the prince needed to follow rules to maintain his success and everyone else had to follow the prince’s orders and live with fear. Hobbes had a similar view of Machiavelli’s. He believed that â€Å"kings, whose power is greatest, turn their endeavor to the assuring it at home by laws or abroad by wars† (Leviathan, 83). This required a need for a centralized government with full powers to the ruler. Small changes to this political thought arose with John Locke; although still believing in a centralized government, Locke did not grant full power to the king. All government powers had to be limited by life, liberty, and property, and one should â€Å"do whatsoever he thinks fit for the preservation of himself and others within the permission of the law of Nature† (RWH, 139). Next in history we have Marx and Engels’ â€Å"The Communist Manifesto. † In this book, the authors explained the history of class struggle and suggested a very different way of how society should work. They noticed that â€Å"every form of society ha[d] been based†¦on the antagonism of the oppressing and oppressed classes,† and that the only path to form a new society was through this class struggle (CM, 64). Here, in a similar view from the Free Speech movement, the oppressed mass should fight for their rights; however, unlike the Free Speech Movement, this fight was not only to secure their freedom and equality, but to end a capitalist world that was being created by the oppressing class. Marx and Engels claimed that the â€Å"work of the proletarians ha[d] lost all individual character†¦[and men were becoming] an appendage of the machine† (CM, 58). As a consequence, the mass was losing their buying power exponentially and being forced to work longer hours in order to keep up with the price of the commodities. To end the injustice seen in front of their eyes, they created a new political party, the Communist party, where â€Å"capital [would be] converted into common property† to lose â€Å"its class character† (CM, 68). This form of government was installed in a few countries for a period. However, it did not benefit the oppressed class as they suggested; instead, it united the bourgeoisie and proletariats, and the only class remaining was now oppressed by the Communist party. In a different view from Marx and Engels, Ortega y Gasset examines the creation of the mass-man, not in terms of social class, but in terms of actions in society. He claims that due to â€Å"liberal democracy, scientific experiment, and industrialism,† no man was â€Å"confronted with obstacles and limitations† from birth (RM, 8); a man could change his path to becoming a noble by doing something great and simultaneously he could become a mass-man by being ordinary. An ordinary man is one that is only concerned with their well-being, â€Å"and at the same time [he] remain[s] alien to the cause of that well-being† (RM, 10). He does not realize how society merited his luxuries and he believes that those are a natural right. Therefore, the â€Å"mass-man† could be from any social background, and as a result, there were no social barriers to one’s future. According to Ortega, since the modern mass do not consider any authority external to themselves due to their selfish ways, they believe to have â€Å"complete freedom as its natural established condition† (RM, 11). On the other hand, the noble man is compelled to follow â€Å"some standard beyond himself† to better society (RM, 11). Nevertheless, these are mere illusions; the mass-man is actually oppressed, and by choice, and the noble man is not. Thus, by acting toward the greater good, one could achieve individual freedom in Ortega’s view. The first political movement for true individual freedom was the Civil Rights Movement initiated in the 1950’s. The Civil Rights Movement was a worldwide mass political movement to achieve equal legal rights. It was initiated by student political organizations from several different universities in the San Francisco area with a series of protests and riots; they aimed to abolish public and private racial discrimination and fight for equal rights. This movement was mainly African American, but it was also the beginning for women’s liberation, to stop nuclear testing, apartheid, and discriminatory employee practices, or any kind of inequality in our society. According to Martin Luther King Jr. , â€Å"Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself, and that is what has happened to the American Negro. Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom, and something without has reminded him that it can be gained† (MLKJ, 6). Following the Civil Rights Movement was the Free Speech Movement. The Free Speech Movement was also done through protests and riots on the Berkeley University campus by student political organizations to ensure freedom of speech and literature. It also wanted to stop the prohibition of political activities on the university campus. An interesting connection that can be done however is the relationship between the Civil Rights movement and â€Å"On Bullshit† by Henry Frankfurt. The Civil Rights movement fought against inequality; nonetheless, women were not seen as equal by their own revolution â€Å"brothers. † When they tried to take a more active position of leadership, they encountered resistance from the part of their revolution â€Å"brothers. † This led them to begin their own fight. â€Å"On Bullshit,† Frankfurt states that â€Å"the essence of bullshit is not that is false but that is phony† (HF, 5). This is what activists were doing at that time. They claimed to want equality to all in matters of law, but in fact, they did not see women as equal. In society today, although one is believed to have total individual freedom, one has not. Racial and gender discrimination in the matter of law or freedom of speech are no longer an issue, but individuals are still discriminated in the everyday life. An example of it is white males having more chances of being promoted to a leadership position or earning a higher salary. According to Lippmann, a recent trend in modern politics is the manufacturing of consent. It has become more and more present in the political environment and politicians, officials, or organizations leaders have a better capability of creating consent by persuasion. This happens because â€Å"established leaders of any organization have great natural advantages. They are believed to have better sources of information†¦it is, therefore, easier for them to secure attention and to speak in a convincing tone. But they also have a great deal of control over the access to the facts† (Lippmann, 135). Through that control, they can limit what the mass will have knowledge on, and consequently, guide their thoughts and decisions to what they prefer; every â€Å"official finds himself deciding more and more consciously what facts, in what setting, in what guise he shall permit the public to know† and that gives them more power than anyone should have (Lippmann,135). A similar view of the same matter is discussed by Hannah Arendt. In â€Å"Lying in Politics,† Arendt exposes how the American government released false facts about the war in order to protect the reputation of our country and the image that its citizens had of it. This exemplifies Lippmann’s arguments perfectly. Leaders have the power to choose what facts to be released to the public in order to influence their thoughts. Besides choosing what facts will be released to the public and when to release them, politicians â€Å"take, if not the whole mass, then the subordinates of the hierarchy sufficiently into their confidence to prepare them for what might happen, and to make them feel that they have freely willed the result† (Lippmann, 134). This method is genius; being able to convince someone that your idea is their idea is the best way for secretly controlling others and succeeding in achieving your goals; â€Å"persuasion has become a self-conscious art and a regular organ of popular government† (Lippmann,136). In â€Å"Truth and Politics,† again by Arendt, there is a similar thinking: opinions will be formed in regards to an issue after arduous analysis of several different perspectives (Truth and Politics, 238); this will make â€Å"present to†¦mind[s] the standpoints of those who are absent† and in that way, their ideas will be expressed (Truth and Politics, 241). Nevertheless, when representing others point of view, one is not fully adopting that point of view; thus, that idea is being â€Å"look[ed] upon the world from a different perspective† (Truth and Politics, 241). Consequently, this act mimics as if one is thinking for themselves and changing the idea according to one’s personality and beliefs, when it actually does not; hence, there is an illusion of an original thinking. Adding this process to the power leader have of what facts to expose, the manufacturing of consent becomes an easy task to do and is a powerful weapon for politicians to have.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Video Game Addiction Essay Example

Video Game Addiction Essay Example Video Game Addiction Essay Video Game Addiction Essay Video Game Addiction New research identifies some video game users, particularly online users, who became hooked on interactive games and then see their lives become increasingly unmanageable. Many articles are available that look at the addictive qualities of the games and who is susceptible to becoming addicted. Other research looks at how this addiction compares to addictions such as drug and alcohol abuse and pathological gambling. Since computer game addiction is relatively new, there are few tools to measure the extent of addictiveness and how much the addictiveness affects the lives of the persons who are experiencing it. Computers, the Internet and video game consoles have invaded our homes and have also become extremely portable. With video gaming becoming more popular every day, a consumer needs to be aware of the affects of this new addiction. Various qualities of games have been researched in order to determine what makes them addictive. Many article outline a workable definitions of video game addiction and examine the literature to determine who is playing video games and who is susceptible to becoming addicted. Only one article was found that developed and tested a scale to measure the addiction. With the advances in graphics and game quality many factors play into the drawl of video game playing. Video games are designed with many levels, appealing characters, interesting storylines and state-of-the art graphics. Some games use characters and movies that are already familiar and known to potential players. All of these factors have been designed to provide the user with a form of appealing entertainment that they want to purchase and then repeatedly to play. Video games are heavily advertised to attract a player’s interest and then influence users into trying them. A certain level of captivation and the desire to perform causes gamers to become heavily immersed into the game. When in this state, gamers can lose a sense of time and self-consciousness. One interviewee described it as ‘you get involved and lose track of time†¦you’d be missing meals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The increase in the home computer and personal game consoles available on the market has resulted in an increase in the amount of time that such games can be played. When the term ‘addiction’ is used, people generally think of a physical dependency that is related to the use of drugs, alcohol or other chemical ubstances. â€Å"Tolerance, withdrawal and compulsive use are required for any diagnosis of dependency† (American Psychiatric Association). Researchers have suggested that that social pathologies related to video games are starting to emerge in society. New research suggests, â€Å"One reward is not considered different from another in the bra in, regardless if the reward is from an internal chemical reaction or an external stimulus†(Holden). A reward comes with the risk of addiction, whether gambling, eating, sex, shopping is the reason for risk. Playing video games consists of repeated, compulsive behaviors, a decrease in interest in doing other activities, making friends with other addicts and online gamers, and mental and physical symptoms of withdrawal when the games are taken away or otherwise dropped. Leung’s research of ‘addicted’ subjects strongly linked the addiction to the satisfaction of being able to controlling the world in online games. This research concludes that the â€Å"users are dependent because the internet and gaming are a safe place to express themselves without judgment† (Leung). The intensity of game playing, repetitive nature, and the ability to play video games for hours and not notice the time that has passed, one finds it easy to believe that video games are addictive. Some gamers have reported withdrawal symptoms, including getting ‘the shakes’ after not playing a game for an extended period of time. The compulsive need for, the habit-forming qualities of, and the physiological and psychological symptoms of withdrawal correlate to other types of well-documented addictions. In 2004, Griffiths conducted research that compared 540 on-line game players, including adolescents and adults. The information collected included demographics, frequency and history of playing, and their favorite and least favorite aspects of the game. Of those tested a significant majority of both adults and adolescents were male. The younger the player meant that the player was even more likely to be male. One third of the adults in the survey had some â€Å"undergraduate education†, however one third of the adolescents had â€Å"dropped out of school. † The players tested were most likely to be single, and none of the adolescents and only â€Å"approximately 36% of the adults were married† (Griffiths). Clymo’s studies reported, â€Å"77% teenagers in the US play video games† (Clymo). It is not surprising that Griffith’s research involving online video game playing reported that more than â€Å"70% of the players came from the United States† (Griffiths). According to various other reports, teenagers in the United States play an average of 3-4 hours per day. This is significantly higher than incidences in other countries. In Taiwan, research reveals that the â€Å"average age user plays about three times a week for an average of two hours† (Chiu, Lee and Huang). A study conducted in South Spain indicated, â€Å"57% of adolescents played video games regularly† but that â€Å"93% of them had played at least once in the past year† (Salguero and Moran). Research from various other countries also clearly indicates that the United States has a higher incidence of game playing than any other culture. Griffiths reported computer game playing for most children is a† fairly absorbing and harmless activity† but for a small minority of children it may be â€Å"problematic† (Griffiths). Other research suggests that the more involved a parent is with a child’s education, the less likely a child will be addicted to video games. The same research reports that more â€Å"socially adjusted children† are less likely to be addicted as well (Chiu, Lee and Huang). Research has also shown on the primary players also suggested that adolescent players were more â€Å"susceptible† to addiction than adult players. The study found that younger, adolescent players were more likely to let their â€Å"responsibilities lapse† in order to continue playing (Griffiths). Although stories about addicted video game players generally center on a male teenager with an impaired social life, poor grades and little self-confidence, research does not always support this image. Although Leung’s research focuses on other activities in addition to gaming, this research suggests that subjects addicted to the Internet tend to be female’s that played games that included online chat. The research also indicated that new users, regardless of gender, were â€Å"more vulnerable† to becoming heavy users or addicts (Leung). Subjects are suffering from symptoms of video game addiction because not enough research has been done on the issue. As video games are relatively new in the arena of addiction, little information is actually known about the effects on individuals and society as a whole. Creating tests and implementing tools that counselors and Primary Care Physicians can use to assess if issues with video games are present and to what extent can help addiction. Also, action plans and methods should be laid out to encourage parents to limit the time adolescents use video games. Making consumers aware of the growing issue of ideo game addition is of great importance and can only help in treatment for this newly found addiction. American Psychiatric Association, ed. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington, D. C. : 1994. Print. Chiu, Lee, Huang. â€Å"Video Game Addiction in Children and Teenagers in Taiwan. † Cyber Psychology Behavior. (2004) 571-581. Print. C lymo, P. (2001). â€Å"Home video game playing in schoolchildren: as study of incidence and patters of play. † Youth Studies 15, 59. Griffiths, M. (2001). â€Å"Computer game playing in early adolescence. Youth Society, e 29(2), 223-237. Griffiths, M. D. , Davies, M. N. O. , Chappell, D. (2004). â€Å"On line computer gaming: a comparison of adolescent and adult gamers†. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 87-96. Holden, C. (2001). â€Å"‘Behavioral Addictions’: Do They Exist† Science, 294, 980-982. Leung, L. (2004) â€Å"Net-Generation Attributes and Seductive Properties of the Internet as Predictors of Online Activities and Internet Addiction† CyberPsychology Behavior, 7(3), 333-348. Salguero, R. A. T. and Moran, R. M. B. (2002) â€Å"Measuring problem video game playing in adolescents† Addiction, 97, 1601-1606.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition, Examples of the Rhetorical Term Epanalepsis

Definition, Examples of the Rhetorical Term Epanalepsis (1) Epanalepsis is a rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase at regular intervals: a refrain. Adjective: epanaleptic. (2) More specifically, epanalepsis may refer to repetition at the end of a clause or sentence of the word or phrase with which it began, as in Next time  there wont be a  next time (Phil Leotardo in  The Sopranos). In this sense, epanalepsis is a combination of anaphora and epistrophe. Also known as inclusio. EtymologyFrom the Greek, resumption, repetition Pronunciation e-pa-na-LEP-sis Examples Always Low Prices. Always. (Walmart slogan)Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (The Bible, Phil. 4.4)In the run-up to Christmas, we will publicly disembowel anyone heard using the phrase in the run-up to Christmas. (Michael Bywater, The Chronicles of Bargepole, Jonathan Cape, 1992)Music I heard with you was more than music,And bread I broke with you was more than bread. (Conrad Aiken, Bread and Music, 1914)He is noticeable for nothing in the world except for the markedness by which he is noticeable for nothing.† (Edgar Allan Poe, The Literati of New York City. Godeys Ladys Book, Sep. 1846)Say over again, and yet once over again,That thou dost love me . . .. (Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese)â€Å"Imagine me, an old gentleman, a distinguished author, gliding rapidly on my back, in the wake of my outstretched dead feet, first through that gap in the granite, then over a pinewood, then along misty water meadows, and then simply between mar ges of mist, on and on, imagine that sight!† (Vladimir Nabokov, Look at the Harlequins! McGraw Hill, 1974) Possessing what we still were unpossessed by,Possessed by what we now no more possessed. (Robert Frost, The Gift Outright)They went home and told their wives,that never once in all their lives,had they known a girl like me,But . . . They went home. (Maya Angelou, They Went Home)The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink; the man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking. (Jack Sparrow, The Pirates of the Caribbean)We know nothing of one another, nothing. Smiley mused. However closely we live together, at whatever time of day or night we sound the deepest thoughts in one another, we know nothing. (John le Carrà ©, Call for the Dead, 1961) Epanalepsis in Julius Caesar Romans, countrymen, and lovers! hear me for my cause, and be silent, that you may hear: believe me for mine honour, and have respect to mine honour, that you may believe. (Brutus in Act III, scene two of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare)By repeating hear and believe at both the beginning and end of successive lines, Brutus emphasizes to the crowd that these are the two main things he desires: for the crowd to hear him and, more significantly, to believe what he is about to say regarding the assassination of Julius Caesar. Epanalepsis in Little Dorritt Mr. Tite Barnacle was a buttoned-up man, and consequently a weighty one. All buttoned-up men are weighty. All buttoned-up men are believed in. Whether or no the reserved and never-exercised power of unbuttoning, fascinates mankind; whether or no wisdom is supposed to condense and augment when buttoned up, and to evaporate when unbuttoned; it is certain that the man to whom importance is accorded is the buttoned-up man. Mr. Tite Barnacle never would have passed for half his current value, unless his coat had been always buttoned-up to his white cravat. (Charles Dickens, Little Dorritt, 1855-1857) Epanalepsis in James Joyces Ulysses Don John Conmee walked and moved in times of yore. He was humane and honoured there. He bore in mind secrets confessed and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a beeswaxed drawingroom, ceiled with full fruit clusters. And the hands of a bride and bridegroom, noble to noble, were impalmed by Don John Conmee. (James Joyces, Chapter 10 of Ulysses, 1922) Notes on Epanalepsis in Prose Epanalepsis is rare in prose, probably because when the emotional situation arises that can make such a scheme appropriate, poetry seems to be the only form that can adequately express the emotion. (Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. Oxford University Press, 1999)When epanalepsis is used in prose, it often creates sentences that stand alone as aphorisms: Nothing can be created out of nothing (Lucretius). Men of few words are the best men (Henry IV 3.2). (Arthur Quinn and Lyon Rathbun, Epanalepsis. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, ed. by Theresa Enos. Taylor Francis, 1996)The fourth-century grammarian and rhetorician Tiberius lists epanalepsis as a rhetorical figure, but at the conclusion of his explanation uses the term analepsis instead: Epanalepsis is when the same word is placed twice in the same clause or in the same sentence, with the same context. ... Public speakers use analepsis at the beginning, in the same way as palillogia, but Homer used it also at the end. (Joachim Burmeister, Musical Poetics, trans. by Benito V. Rivera. Yale Univ. Press, 1993)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Modern Art as Viewed by T.J. Clark Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Modern Art as Viewed by T.J. Clark - Essay Example The essay "Modern Art as Viewed by T.J. Clark" provides the view on modern art by T.J. Clark. Paris is said to be the birthplace of habits of leisure, consumption and commerce that are now named as â€Å"modern life†-- explicitly captured in paintings, sculpture and architecture which are collectively called the â€Å"modern art.† Modern art is a term which is usually associated with forms of art that were done in the spirit of experimentation and in which the traditions and practices of the past have been disregarded. These arts are representations of rejection of the established academic tradition in favor of more naturalistic representation of the world. Pioneers of this kind of art were called Romantics, Realists and Impressionists; by the late 19th century, additional movements called Post-Impressionism and Symbolism also emerged. Connected with the concepts of modernity and modern art is a Marxist art historian named Timothy J. Clark. A native of Bristol, England, Clark received his education at Bristol Grammar School, Cambridge University and at the Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London. His work experiences include his stint as a lecturer at Essex University from 1967-1969; as a senior lecturer at the Camberwell School of Art from 1970-1974; as a visiting professor and subsequently as an associate professor at the University of California; as chair of the Fine Arts Department of Leeds University in 1976; and as a member of the School of Fine Arts faculty at Harvard University. where he encountered quite a number of his detractors who were among the traditional and connoisseurship-based faculty. (T.J. Clark) Currently, he holds the George C. and Helen N. Pardee Chair as Professor of Modern Art at the University of California. (U.C. Berkeley History of Art 2005) Going back to the concept of modern art, this was discussed by T. J. Clark in reference to Paris in his book entitled The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers. In this book, Clark questioned those who view Impressionism only in terms of artistic technique, and likewise describes the works of Manet, Degas, Seurat and others as an attempt to give form to the "modern life" by focusing on its typical representatives, which are basically the various "modern city" workers. (Clark, T.J.: The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers 2008) Concomitantly, Clark views Paris as the birthplace of the "modern art", where changes therein went beyond the cultural and ideological refurbishing to the more encompassing economic transformation. (T.J. Clark: Manet in situ 1986) Samples of the specific arguments and discussion that could be found in the book are the following: 1.) Manet's Olympia caused scandal at the 1865 Salon because the painting disobeyed the "rules of the nude." Furthermore, in addition to the nude body on bed, the woman's hand is considered to be a detail, which the critics wrongly focused on; 2.) Manet's disregard of the so-called "good modeling" and the abruptness which characterized his lights and darks can be seen in the Olympia. Such aspects have been criticized by some writers in 1865, describing such as "circled in black", "drawn in charcoal", and "stripes of blacking"; and 3.) certain paintings suggested the fact that classes coexisted, but never touched. (Clark 1985) As seen in the title of the book, Manet's art is given emphasis in reference to the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Customer Perception and Brand Loyalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Customer Perception and Brand Loyalty - Essay Example Pomerantz, (2003) defined perception as a process of attaining awareness or understanding environments by interpreting information. This statement is based on normal human psychology that can be related to the customer perception. Customer perception is a process that is based on the information collected from wide arrays of sources and resources. It can be the case that customers using the existing product or service may create awareness along with changing the level of perception about that particular product or service. Organisations need to understand the perception of customers in order to market their products and services along with offering them something that will exceed the level of perceived perception. Customer perception decides their buying behavior to an extent. Considering the fact that good and valid perception about a product often creates a positive image that allures customers to get associated with that product or service in the short as well as in the long run. Customer perception can be considered as the first stage of buying behavior where there is a difference between the reality and perception. Until and unless, customers use the product; ascertaining the reality can be a cumbersome task offering irrelevant attention and importance to perception (Reichheld, 1993). Customers’ perceptions can be influenced through reference groups and opinion leaders but should offer desired and more than perceived results in order to create long term value and mutual benefits in the competitive business environment.... In short, brand loyalty is driven by effective customer relationship management programs and initiatives offering mutual benefits and advantages to organizations and customers. The research is based on identifying the Ducati customer perception and brand loyalty. It needs to be mentioned that in spite of a number of companies manufacturing high quality and attractive motorcycles, a certain group of customers prefer to buy Ducati motorcycles. The research aims at identifying their perception towards Ducati and its motorcycles along with assessing brand loyalty. However, in this particular discussion, only theoretical aspects of brand loyalty and customer perception has been presented and practical implication will be highlighted in the later part of the research in an illustrative and logical manner. A highly satisfied customer will tend to buy more product and services of the brand with whom he can relate to in the short as well as in the long run. It needs to be understood that bran d loyalty is often useful and economical for the buyer and seller. The buyer can stick to a particular brand without investing much in competitors brand along with availing great benefits of brand loyalty offered by organizations. Loyalty is awarded and rewarded in different ways depending on the structure and policies of organizations. When it comes to expensive products and services, customer perception and loyalty is driven by wide arrays of variables. Price can be considered as one of the most important variables deciding the perception and loyalty level of customers. Ducati Motorcycles come with a hefty price tag and with a positive perception of motorcycles; customers are willing to invest their money in it. If the actual and real performance and services of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Example for Free

Addiction for Plastic Surgeries Essay Plastic surgery is a medical field that deals with reshaping some body deformities that may have occurred due to birth defects or accidents. It is also used for other purposes such as treating diseases and beauty purposes. An example of a disease which can be treated through plastic surgery is melanoma. If plastic surgery is carried out for younger looks or beauty purposes, it is referred to as cosmetic surgery. This paper will directly address the issue of cosmetic surgery since it is what has caused plastic surgeries addiction all over the world. See more: Recruitment and selection process essay Cosmetic surgeries are never related to any medical condition and are normally done to enhance the physical appearance of an individual. Cosmetic surgery addicts are easily identifiable due to the numerous surgeries they undergo each time claiming that they are not happy with their looks. Many victims of cosmetic surgery suffer from a medical condition known as Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD). This mental disorder has made people imagine that they look different from others and there is a need for surgery so that they can improve their looks. Discussion Cosmetic surgery is a major problem today as a number of people who are addicted to it are doing it repeatedly in order to achieve their imaginary beauty. This practice is becoming frequent and in many instances it is affecting women as they try to change and improve their physical appearances. The problem with such kind of people only exists in their mind because it is hard to view yourself as being ugly from others, it is only a perception. If you view yourself as being ugly from others, the problem will never end even if you undergo so many plastic surgeries. This perception will directly influence the level of your happiness and accepting yourself the way you are. The practices of undergoing plastic surgery repeatedly in order to feel happy and look like the ones you view as more beautiful than yourself is what doctors refer to as BDD. This condition normally affects both male and females under the age of 18 equally (Gorbis, 2003). People suffering from BDD use plastic surgery as a solution to their unending dissatisfaction with their body physical appearance (Gorbis, 2003). Almost all people who suffer from BDD seek solution to cosmetic surgery. As a surgeon, you should be able to discover someone suffering from this medical condition and recommend him/her to a psychologist. Any invention has both positive and negative sides but plastic surgery addiction would cause more harm to the body compared to the benefits associated with it. For instance, it can damage the skin and muscle tissue of an individual permanently. Another well-known harm caused by plastic surgery addiction is the permanent nerve damage. This may result to permanent loss of feeling and sensation in all the affected areas of an individual who have undergone plastic surgery repeatedly. Many individuals who undergo plastic surgery repeatedly to perfect their physical appearances in most cases end up with irreversible damage that make them look awful compared to their original appearances. Plastic surgery addiction cause more harm to the physical appearance of people with BDD instead of enhancing it. People suffering from BDD undergo plastic surgery so that they can attract attention from the public. They later regret when things go wrong. This is an indication that it should be discouraged and people suffering from BDD should be referred to a Psychiatrist or psychologist instead of a surgeon. Plastic surgery is not cost friendly at all. The operation is very expensive and its outcomes are sometimes not worth the price. What the addicted victims fail to understand is that, plastic surgery operation can only result to two things. That is, a great success or a failure. This means that, the more operations you undergo, the higher the risk of failure (Pruitt, 2009). Many individuals who are addicted to plastic surgery are attracted by what they see in the media. They watch successful surgeries of famous celebrities and think that it might as well work on. This is not usually the case and the individuals we watch on the media having successful surgeries sometimes develop problems at a later date. Plastic surgery addiction is very different from drugs and other things addiction in that it fulfills people physiological needs. Therefore, it is normally difficult for individuals who are not satisfied with their physical appearance to stop plastic surgery. This is something they are viewing in the mirror now and then. If they are not satisfied with what they see, they will definitely run to a surgeon so that the body part they feel is not well placed can be rectified. The problem with such an individual is that he/she is likely not to be satisfied with many body parts. Thus, resulting to a series of plastic surgeries so as to be satisfied with his/her physical appearance. In my opinion, I would only recommend plastic surgery to individuals who have a medical problem. I would never encourage cosmetic surgery because it is doing more harm than enhancing appearance of individuals who are undertaking it. Most people who are addicted to cosmetic surgeries perceive themselves in the wrong manner. They normally have their imaginary images on their minds which they think they can turn to after the operation. This normally does not happen and that is why they undergo so many operations before they realize they are destroying their images. Plastic surgery should only be carried out under medical conditions not for pleasure. Pictures are all over the internet showing how plastic surgery addiction has caused a number of celebrities to lose their good looks. Cosmetic surgery is not good at all because it has not worked well for people who have done it. They are suffering from negative impacts of plastic surgery addiction. It should be therefore be discouraged unless under medical conditions. Conclusion Plastic surgery is not bad if it is used for solving a medical condition. However, having a plastic surgery for beauty purposes or look young should be discouraged by all means. It should be discouraged because it might possibly lead to addiction. Physicians as well as public awareness concerning BDD should be increased to control the unnecessary plastic surgeries. Doctors should also try their best to identify troubled patients so that they can direct them to psychologist or psychiatrist who can advise them. There are other treatments other than surgeries which can help people who have problems with their physical appearance. Psychologist and psychiatrists can really assist individuals with plastic surgeries addiction. The only problem to the control of this addiction is that cosmetic and plastic surgery is so accessible and doctors have not provided a regulation on the number of surgeries an individual should undergo in a given period.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tribute to Matt Stone :: Comedy Scripts Comedians Essays

Tribute to Matt Stone Episode 201 - Not Without My Anus Icons provided by Christopher Pirillo at Just South of South Park AdvertFXApplet provided by Secret Sid South Park Announcer:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the last South Park you've waited four long weeks to find out who the father of Eric Cartman is. Now, finally, the shocking truth about Cartman's lineage will not be seen tonight so we can bring you the following special presentation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Honk] HBC Announcer:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now, get ready for Canada's hottest action stars. Terrance and Phillip in the HBC Movie of the Week, Not Without My Anus, based on a true story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Canadian Courthouse - 10:18 A.M.] Scott:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ladies and gentlemen, before you today sits a murderer. On the night in question, this monster entered the home of Dr. Jeffrey O'Dwyer, and struck him repeatedly in the head with this hammer. That monster is sitting right over there, and his name is Terrance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Dramatic Music]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Fart] Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Uh, Terrance, you farted in court. Terrance:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yes Phillip, I'm making a case for our defense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Laughter] Scott:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All of these things link Terrance to the murder: hair fibers, blood samples, nail clippings, a piece of his shirt   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Terrance looks about confused. Scott:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A watch with his initials on it, a day planner with the murder scheduled, a haiku called "Time to Kill Dr. Jeffrey O'Dwyer." "Dr. O'Dwyer, time to have your head smashed in, with my new hammer." Terrance, you may be a famous surgeon, but you're not God. Je accuse Terrance. Terrance:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Would you like a monkey claw Phillip? Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yes please.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Fart]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Laughter] Terrance:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That's called the monkey claw cause it feels like my colon is being ripped apart by a thousand monkeys. Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The monkey claw is smelly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Judge hammers her gavel. Judge:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Come on, get a move-on, I ain't getting a younger up here. Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My sentiments exactly Your Honor. I see from your accent that you're Southern Canadian. Judge:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That is correct. Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Good people of the jury, my client Terrance is an innocent man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Fart] Terrance:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oh ho, Phillip, now you farted during the closing argument. Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have, haven't I Terrance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Fart]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Laughter] Scott:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Your Honor, the defense is trying to make a mockery of this court. They think farts are funny, but they're not. Judge:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sustained. Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Good people of the jury, my client Terrance is no more a murderer than you or me. He loves puppies and hates mean things. Would a murderer go to the zoo and feed animals like this?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Phillip shows the jury of Terrance with a llama. Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of course not. So, in summation, find Terrance innocent, or else he'll kill you.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Gasp]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [Laughter] Phillip:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just kidding. The defense rests.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Terrance pounds his fist on the table as he laughs uncontrollably.

Monday, November 11, 2019

All About Kesha

Singer, songwriter. Born Kesha Rose Sebert on March 1, 1987, in Los Angeles, California. She was exposed to music at an early age through her mother Pebe, a songwriter. Her mother's biggest songwriting success was â€Å"Old Fames Can't Hold a Candle to You,† which was a hit for Joe Sun and Dolly Parton. The first few years of Kesha's life were a struggle for her family. Her mother had difficulty earning enough to support Kesha and her older brother. â€Å"We were on welfare and food stamps,† the artist explained on her website. â€Å"One of my first memories is my mom telling me, ‘If you want something, just take it. † When she was 4, Kesha moved to Nashville with her family, where her mother had landed a songwriting contract. Sometimes tagging along with her mother, Kesha spent a lot of time in recording studios during her early teens. Her mother encouraged her interest in singing, allowing Kesha to work on some of her song demos. Kesha also went to a music school, where she learned about songwriting. Deep in the heart of the country music scene, she was inspired by the likes of Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline. At 17, Kesha left high school to pursue a music career. She changed her name to Ke$ha and moved to Los Angeles to work with producer Dr. Luke, who had worked on hit singles for Katy Perry and Kelly Clarkson among others. â€Å"I thought her voice was distinctive, and I fell in love with her personality,† Dr. Luke explained to Entertainment Weekly. â€Å"She had the same sass and irreverence she has now. † Ke$ha was determined to break into the business. According to one story, she paid off a gardener to get inside music legend Prince's house to leave one of her demos for him. She landed a few gigs as a back-up vocalist as well, performing on songs by Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. But her big break came from an uncredited and unpaid cameo on rapper Flo Rida's 2009 No. hit â€Å"Right Round. † She told Allure magazine that she wasn't upset about not receiving any payment for the song. â€Å"You have to pay your dues,† she explained. Soon after her work with Flo Rida, Ke$ha landed a record contact with RCA. She released her first single, â€Å"Tik Tok,† later that year. The party anthem developed quite a following, soon becoming one of the most downloaded songs in America, and then reaching the top of the Billboard pop charts in January 2010. Because she has attracted many young fans, Ke$ha has been criticized for some of her lyrics, especially those ocused on drinking and alcohol. â€Å"I'm not a babysitter,† the singer said. â€Å"It's their parents' responsibility to take care of them. † For Ke$ha, her life provides much of the inspiration for her songs. â€Å"I'll go out with my friends and get rowdy . . . I'm not sorry, and I will write about it. † Her debut album, Animal, reached the top of the charts after its release in January 2010. In addition to â€Å"Tik Tok,† Ke$ha has scored two more Top 10 hits: â€Å"Blah B lah Blah† and â€Å"Your Love Is My Drug. † Her first headlining tour will begin this spring. What me and MOST people think of Ke$ha Ke$ha is very different yeah its true but its good. If she wasn’t so different she probably would not be where she is now. She insires a lot of people to be themselves and free. Some may think this is bad but its not it just how you take it small, moderate, or, extreme. She is very original and unique she captures up beat and catchy songs that anyone would like. She is also not one to make up things and act like someone she is not. There is no point in pretending to be someone eles. Because being you is something very important in making you, well†¦ you.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Katherine Mansfield’s “Miss Brill” Essay

Katherine Mansfield’s short story â€Å"Miss Brill† is an great example of how a writer can use various literary techniques to lead the reader to a better understanding of Miss Brill the character. Instead of merely stating the message of the story, Mansfield used various literary techniques to allow the reader to draw his own conclusions about the character. Using these literary aspects to reveal a truth about a character to the reader is often referred to as characterization. Four of the most easily recognized literary techniques used in Mansfield’s â€Å"Miss Brill† are her use of symbolism, setting, allusion, and points of view used by different characters in her story. Symbolism plays a very large part in understanding Miss Brill the character. This can easily be seen by the relationship between Miss Brill and her â€Å"alter-ego†, the fur. A symbol is â€Å"a person, object or event that suggests more than its literal meaning.† In other words, it is something that has two levels of meaning: on the literal level it is what it is, for example, Miss Brill’s fur is just a fur. It can also represent a more â€Å"hidden† meaning such as the fur being a symbol for Miss Brill herself. Miss Brill lives for the days that she spends in the park, this can be seen when she rubs â€Å"the life back into [her fur’s] dim little eyes†. This quote reveal that the trips to the park help to â€Å"rub† life back into Miss Brill. The condition of the furs eyes also imply that Miss Brill is not as full of life as he once might have been, but as long as she can see the beauty and worth still in her fur, she can retain her sense of worth. Mansfield uses the bond between Miss Brill and the fur the show how deeply she needs to belong. For example, throughout the story when Miss Brill is happy the fur is also happy, and when the fur is insulted then Miss Brill is also insulted. Perhaps the best example of this bond is when Miss Brill is sitting in her cupboard-like room and puts her fur away, and thinks that she hears â€Å"something crying†. Rather than facing the sadness and disappointment of the day, she attributes her sadness to the fur. The setting of â€Å"Miss Brill† is an important feature of the story because Miss Brill defines herself in relation to the setting. As she walks about the park, she feels more and more in tune with her setting, as she notices that  all of the people at the park, including herself, are actors in a weekly play. Her sense of herself in relation to the setting changes drastically, of course, when she overhears the young couple ridiculing her. As the story opens, she is upbeat and happy watching the other people in the park. After the young couple mock her, we see the sadness as she walks slowly back to her apartment, her â€Å"cupboard†. Mansfield also uses allusion to reinforce the theme of the story. We first see Miss Brills allusions to a cupboard as she describes the other elderly people in the park. She seems to sympathize with them because they are not a part of this grand play like she is. After being confronted by the young couple, Miss Brill realizes that she also lives in a â€Å"room like a cupboard†. This allusion Mansfield gives to Miss Brill’s room is valuable because of two reasons. She first used the term â€Å"cupboard† to describe the homes of the â€Å"funny old people† in the park every Sunday. It does not occur to Miss Brill that she is also one of these â€Å"funny old people† , however, Mansfield tells the audience that she is indeed one of these â€Å"funny old people† when she describes Miss Brill’s room to the reader. The used of the term â€Å"cupboard† is also important because it demonstrates the effect setting can have on the readers opinion to the characters true nature. The quote referring to Miss Brills cupboard room, also gives the reader a look at the point of view that Miss Brill has. When Miss Brill is happy her room is not so bad, however, when she is depressed then her point of view is that she is like those â€Å"funny old people† that she notices in the park every Sunday. In â€Å"Miss Brill,† the limited omniscient point of view allows the reader to see that Miss Brill remains unchanged when the story ends. The point of view is based strictly on what Miss Brill sees and feels, without being biased by her rose-colored view of life. Upon arriving at the park, Miss Brill begins to take in the details of her surroundings. She seem to cling to the best qualities of her surroundings – there were far more people than last Sunday, the band sounded louder and gayer, and the conductor was wearing a new coat. As she sits in her â€Å"special seat† she is disappointed that the odd man and seated next to her. She had become â€Å"quite an expert at listening as though she didn’t listen†. She views her eavesdropping as active participation in  conversations surrounding her. Although she continues to watch the others in the crowd in and awe and fascination, she views the elderly people in the crowd quite differently. She calls them â€Å"odd, silent and nearly all old†¦and they looked as though they had just come from dark little rooms or even – even cupboards†. Trying to keep her mid of the elderly people, Miss Brill convinces herself of her importance in this grand play and that â€Å"no doubt, somebody would have noticed is she hadn’t been there†. When the young couple seated beside her begin to talk, Miss Brill listens intently to their conversation. It is then that she hears them talk of her the way she has been viewing the other elderly people throughout the afternoon. â€Å"Why does she come here at all – who wants her†? The omniscient point of view allows the reader to view this conversation as it actually occurred, not as Miss Brill would have no doubt changed it in her mind. When she returns home â€Å"to her room like a cupboard† without getting her usual slice of honey cake, we see that she scene at the park has affected her. Yet, she is not changed by it. When she puts away the fur, â€Å"she thinks she hears something crying†. As a defense mechanism, she attributes her grief and pain to the fur, making it possible to carry on in her fantasy world. Mansfield’s â€Å"Miss Brill† is an excellent example of how a reader can gain an understanding of a character through characterization. The reader is allowed to understand and interpret the story utilizing their own methods. Mansfield uses the literary methods of symbolism, setting, and points of view to enable the reader to understand the story and this get the greater meaning. Bibliography â€Å"A Short Story: Katherine Mansfield’s Miss Brill†. Mansfield, Katherine. â€Å"Miss Brill.† Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 7th ed. New York: 1999. 33-37. â€Å"Symbolism†.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Slave Ship And Rice Slaves

Slave Ship and Rice and Slaves The film â€Å"Slave Ship† seems to align significantly with the modern day view of how slaves were both treated and recognized. It shows the harshness of the delivery methods used, the ethnocentric belief system, and the all-together inhumane techniques practiced at the times of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This video is basically pointing at the inhumane efforts of the Europeans and it follows more closely the belief system of most Americans that all slave traders treated slaves terribly and the distinctiveness of each African was not a concern but, were really looked at as all alike. Dr. Littlefield’s Rice and Slaves contradicts this modern day belief system in many ways. He comes to prove that buyers of slaves were indeed very specific on which slaves they were buying according to many qualities such as color, labor skills, mentality, etc. all of which are rooted to the region in which they came. Also in the final chapter of his novel called Perceptions and Social Relations he uses statistics and recordings of ones involved in the slave ship to show that certain types of slaves ran-off more commonly then others. This shows little similarity to Slave Ship since the facts are counting mostly runaways from the plantations of the West Indies and the colonies rather then the newly acquired Africans aboard the Amistad. What both Rice and Slaves and â€Å"Slave Ship† do recognize is the involvement of both European and African parties in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. A big misperception in the modern time of the slave trade is the idea that Europeans rampaged into Africa and captured Africans like rabid dogs. Even though this may be true in a few cases involving illegal slave ships such as the Amistad, but mostly this is untrue. There was much involvement by African royalty when concerning the slave trade. This was necessary because it was highly unlikely the Europeans could just conquer th... Free Essays on Slave Ship And Rice Slaves Free Essays on Slave Ship And Rice Slaves Slave Ship and Rice and Slaves The film â€Å"Slave Ship† seems to align significantly with the modern day view of how slaves were both treated and recognized. It shows the harshness of the delivery methods used, the ethnocentric belief system, and the all-together inhumane techniques practiced at the times of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This video is basically pointing at the inhumane efforts of the Europeans and it follows more closely the belief system of most Americans that all slave traders treated slaves terribly and the distinctiveness of each African was not a concern but, were really looked at as all alike. Dr. Littlefield’s Rice and Slaves contradicts this modern day belief system in many ways. He comes to prove that buyers of slaves were indeed very specific on which slaves they were buying according to many qualities such as color, labor skills, mentality, etc. all of which are rooted to the region in which they came. Also in the final chapter of his novel called Perceptions and Social Relations he uses statistics and recordings of ones involved in the slave ship to show that certain types of slaves ran-off more commonly then others. This shows little similarity to Slave Ship since the facts are counting mostly runaways from the plantations of the West Indies and the colonies rather then the newly acquired Africans aboard the Amistad. What both Rice and Slaves and â€Å"Slave Ship† do recognize is the involvement of both European and African parties in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. A big misperception in the modern time of the slave trade is the idea that Europeans rampaged into Africa and captured Africans like rabid dogs. Even though this may be true in a few cases involving illegal slave ships such as the Amistad, but mostly this is untrue. There was much involvement by African royalty when concerning the slave trade. This was necessary because it was highly unlikely the Europeans could just conquer th...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Capitalism And Consumerism Of Society

Capitalism And Consumerism Of Society Present society in the west is characterized by a capitalist economic system that is founded on private ownership of property and a profit driven economy. This economy has consequently produced few super rich individuals and further stratified the western society, (Banish the bloated overclass, p. 71). Capitalism is different to a socialist economic system where ownership of property is by the state or communally (Shachtman, p.96). The profit driven economy encourages businesses and enterprises to exploit the market for the sole purpose of making a profit. The marketing strategies of capitalism have therefore created a society of consumers whose benefit is through consumption on the individual level while the monetary profits go to the capitalists. Capitalism has created a society that consumer based and the new phenomenon has been labeled as consumerism. Consumerism has extended even into those areas, which were previously under state control as opposed to being under the control o f private corporations. These include the health sector and education among others. The presence of numerous corporations which provide all kinds of services and merchandise have expanded the choices available to consumers. This has created societies, which are based on consumerism as opposed to the earlier societies, which were work based. A consumer society can be identified by the consumption habits of individuals while a work based society’s identity lies in the citizenship and occupations of individuals, (Shachtman, p.101). In addition, the consumer society has evolved into a new culture, which has diverse and often contradicting principles to those of work and citizenship. Consequently, capitalists, out to maximum their revenue realization venture into global markets to exploit new markets. This will eventually lead to a single global culture based on consumerism, and individual consumer patterns based on cultural uniqueness and other such factors will be eliminated. As capitalists devise new ways of maximizing their profits, the consumers in a society based on consumerism look for goods of high quality and with the lowest cost. Consequently, both the consumers and the capitalists are not driven by social responsibility and do not try to deal with issues that are created by capitalism and consumerism. Social responsibility is in the hands of the government and the society but the culture of consumerism and capitalism encourages individualism as each entity is in pursuit of its own goals without considering how some of these goals might be affecting others and the society in genera, (Shachtman, p.106). The nature of the western society made it possible to be targeted for consumer society. A society full of egocentricity, deceptive advertising, nihilism, and values subjectivism to academic goals is easier to sway to the path of consumerism. In such a society where economic growth is the only important thing to any individual and has the capabilities and the power to displace or degrade moral values as we traditionally knew them, the gauge of self worth is always buying power. Those in a position to buy and own property have a more reinforced worth in a society upholding consumerism. The contribution of the media can not be ignored as it continues to create an image which everyone in the western society tries to fit in thus distorting the self worth and self awareness of each person. It is the goal of every capitalist to seduce a large television audience into identification of his personality with specifically designed consumer ideas and advertising fantasies. We no longer possess the ability to do our things independent of consumerism justification. Advertising duplicity and consumerism are now potential threats to the individuation process and consciousness regardless of continued linking of capitalism to the beginning of consciousness. Social cultural meaning diminishes as it is exploited further by media which siphons inex pressible content in order to attract more consumers.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Selecting a Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Selecting a Company - Essay Example Business, first and foremost, is a commercial, industrial or mercantile activity by a person(s) or company. E-business refers to carrying out the above-mentioned activities via the internet; that is, online. E-commerce, however, is a narrower term-only referring to buying and selling goods and services online. This report will amicably evaluate gains made from e-business and any information and communication technologies. In the research, I will target the Google Corporation based in California-USA. The challenges facing the electronic business, in a nutshell, will be outlined. According to business world statistics, most of financial valuation of e-business is attributed to transactions that involve one business and another (Hinton and Barnes, 2005). Efficiency and effectiveness in terms of reaching out to consumers globally, market changes and information dissemination has been realized by the firm. Secondly, business to consumer growth was achieved in the corporation (Hinton& Barnes, 2005). According to the European Commission, 98% of the firms in the USA with e-business or e-commerce in infrastructures in place made up 14% of business turnover (Hinton& Barnes, 2005). Time taken to do business transactions was reduced in the Google Corporation. Receipts, according to the study, were generated accurately within in time. This was time saving compared to earlier times when done manually. Information on Google website, according to study spreads faster. This made it impossible for smaller companies using print-based catalogs to compete in disseminating information. This gave the firm a competitive advantage in business. The prices, for example, of consumer prices are among the items posted on the web. Despite all these benefits that accrue to the use, e-business is not without challenges. High-tech crimes such cyber-crime, threaten to jeopardize the business life of corporations in the US (Hinton& Barnes,